[Center][H2]Rhona And Jay[/H2][/center] Everything had seemed under control as everyone went to settle in. Everyone except for the twins, of course. When they joined the pack, they came with only the clothes on their backs. Thus they decided that they would help the pack in a different way by doing what they do best, scouting, hunting, and collecting firewood. Jay reverted to his human form and shook his head, fluffing up his long, dark hair in the cold winter air, then combed it back. He wore a white, unbuttoned, longsleeve button up shirt, jeans, and a pair of heavy winter boots. Jay stood up and casually walked over to the pack's supplies and grabbed the largest tarp he could find with his mouth; which, for normal humans, looked pretty silly for the few moments that he was in his human form before changing back to his wolf form and returned to Rhona. With a slight nod the 2 ran off into the forest. Unlike the last time, however, the twins were enjoying themselves as the crisp air entered their lungs, then came back out as a steady trail of steam behind them. Their packs new territory was huge and beautiful. But most importantly, it was secluded far away from the humans. Not long after they entered the forest, they caught scent of something truly delectable; deer. And plenty of it. The twins were hot on the trail, yet remained silent, as they approached a large heard of deer. The twins crept up on the heard then suddenly... They sprang! They managed to jump ontop of 2 deer then bit down hard on the deer's neck, breaking its neck and splattering its blood, turning the once pure white snow a deep crimson. Blood ran down the twins throats and stained their faces and bodies, matting their fur a bit. Their hunt was a success, killing 2 deer one each from both twins, now their pack would have enough food until tomorrow. The twins then changed to their human forms and slung the deer over their shoulders. A few hours after they had left, the twins returned drenched in blood, guts and sweat, deer slung over their shoulders, and a tarp on full of fallen branches that they collected on the way back, towed behind them. Unfortunately, the hike back to the den had taken longer than they had initially expected, due to them carrying a few hundred pounds of flesh. To a normal human family, the sight of the twins would be frightening to say the least, but to a lycan pack, it meant a successful hunt and dinner on the table tonight, which was always happy news. The twins reentered the clearing with their load, exhausted but smiling proudly at their success. "My alpha, we bring meat and fire wood!" Rhona called happily, giving a blood stained, yet proud, smile. Jay nodded in agreement and dropped his deer before proceeding to help Rhona with hers. After her deer was on the ground, Jay turned to the pack. [color=ed1c24]"Anybody want to gut these things or are we going to have to do it? "[/color] He said, his voice was deep and a little raspy, almost coming off a grumble, that could easily be mistaken as rude when this was actually his way of asking for help. The blood on his face gave a menacing look to his indifferent expression, which in his case wasn't very helpful.