[quote=@UrbanEvolution] Okay, so, I'm working on a post cause I'm in the writing kind o mood, but before I do anything, why are so many people in the clinic? I've been busy as hell in between music and flight school and haven't had the time to read up on the IC yet. Can someone brush me up, or point me to a timeline/summary of the events in the IC so far? All I've been able to read is the timeskip post with the [i]spoopy[/i] scary copycat killer (My money is on the vice principle b/c Nicolas Cage looks like the kind of guy who enjoys a good murder spree now and again) and the interview with captain Poe-Poe and small town Lois Lane. Am feeling lost. Am probably just stupid. But still lost. [/quote] At the party Icly yesterday, one of my characters, Jade, lost her shit(we all suspect it was some kind of mind-control type of shit), and she pretty much went fifty shades of crazy on everyone at Everett Wilcox's party. Most fled, but the Pcs of group one(Ashton Bryant, Scout Presley, Alicia Smith, Katalina Hargrave, Jay Hunter-Darling, and Nina Jelen) that [s]were forced to suffer because of earthqakes and liquid hot magma they faced[/s] stayed behind suffered her wrath. That's one group, at least. The other group(Petyr Jelen, Grant Wells, Dani Wells[one of my npcs], Olivia Johnson, Alice Malone, Tessa Grey, and Malcolm Okada) were all left to deal with an unknown man who trapped them in a thorny, vine prison. They were able to escape, but not without getting their own injuries. After that, they, literally, tried to get the hell out of dodge. Not long after that, the coppers showed up, and that's that. I believe that's the gist of the reasons why so many people are in the hospital. If I left anything out, I'm sure [@McHaggis], [@Liriia], [@Undine], and [@HalfOfLancelot] would be more than happy to fill in the blanks. Also the face claim for Mickey, I believe that's the chef Rodney Bowers, I could be wrong, though.