[center][color=gray][h3]Juniper[/h3][/color][/center] The white beta wolf trekked calmly through the inches of snow just behind the alpha pair as they all journeyed towards their new home. It had been quite a long adventure so far but the pace had been steady and not really pushing the others too much besides the distance of travel. Juniper found herself more often than not, glancing behind her to check on the others though she knew that Rayne would care for anyone sick or injured but she worried. As it was, had it not been for Rhona picking up the young pup than she certainly was about to but now it was no longer an option as well as less of a worry. She wouldn't want the young pup to become ill, especially if it was because they had neglected to look after little Myst needs. Juniper felt a flood of excitement at the mention from Ambrosia that they were almost there and couldn't wait to be greeted by the sight of their new home. If the scenery of their trip was anything to go by, the surrounding area should be pretty wonderful. Honestly, anything would look pretty fantastic to her if she could call it home as she hadn't had many places in this world to call that. It wasn't long before her eyes met with abandoned cabins that seemed to be in a state of disrepair though must less than most would think for its age. The lush woods surrounded the area as birds sung their many tunes barely noticing the little pack that would soon be the norm of this place. Her eyes could pick up the slight babbling of a stream not too far off and with this much forest, food would hardly be an issue. In Juniper's eyes, it was absolutely perfect, broken windows and all. She hadn't had the luxury of a house before in any sense as she had almost always lived in the woods and the lyanthrope pack she had been with in her teen years had preferred caves as to stay away from humans. She glanced around, noticing she had been lost in thought far too long as the healer had already claimed a cabin though she hoped it was just for medical reasons as she would personally feel more comfortable if they all slept together for awhile. They didn't know what could be lurking here yet and if any danger occurred than more the better. The others were already unloading the supplies but the thought of going into her human form made her a bit weary even if she should be helping. It was actually more difficult than natural for her to go in that form since it was harder to push away her wolf side because of her past so instead she moved over to Myst, laying down in the snow next to her. Juniper would watch over the pup and if it got to cold than at least her body heat could keep Myst warm. She would just keep her eyes on all the activities in camp but of course if either of the alphas ordered her to do something than she would. It was just that she wanted to stay in this form as long as possible.