[hider=Vulma Vhyrd][b][i]N[/i]ame:[/b] Vulma Vhyrd [b][i]A[/i]ge:[/b] 39 [b][i]G[/i]ender:[/b] Female [b][i]R[/i]ank:[/b] Command Sergeant Major [b][i]A[/i]ppearance:[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/4e/a0/b8/4ea0b868bd63b9e2a33c4fa295934e74.jpg[/img] [b][i]H[/i]istory / [i]B[/i]ackground:[/b] Born to a hive world of Scorpius' Ptolemy cluster Vulma drew the peasant's lot in life, her adolescence spent without so much as glimpsing the sky through the forest of slumscrapers she called home. In her own words: [color=a187be]"It was never ugly, if that might surprise you. Can only ever seem so outside of it; like so much else looking down is a luxury. Could I tell you I've done things I'm not proud of? Yes. And certainly there are things I'm proud of that were worse. I'm grateful I can say that, that I know better. That I am better. Growing up? That was my first war; not everyone made it."[/color] Drugs, crime and violence saturated the bleak cityscape, the unofficial currency of Orion's underbelly, a second empire ruled by gang regime. Without a trade or prospects Vulma's choices were few; become fodder for the factories, submit herself to the streets or enlist. In her own words: [color=a187be]"Most people guess I had a good reason for choosing the latter, but you don't strike me as most people. Let's just say I was young--and we'll take a moment to remember what that was like--and move on."[/color] Her career was not a storied one. No heroic triumphs or strokes of luck propelled her forward. Vulma was just another grunt for the meat grinder, shuffled from fray to fray at the behest of greater powers. At the end of this ordeal she stood maimed, modded and paradoxically more whole. Opting to slog through the middle echelons of OSOC's more dangerous task forces as the opportunity presented itself. Eventually the sum total of her hard won expertise saw her assigned to what would later be known as the NGC 6475 Martyrs, where a then First Sergeant Vulma Vhyrd gave her life for her empire. Fortunately, the extensive cybernetic enhancements the deployment entailed (Having been a real risk trial of said augmentations) saw the bulk of the unit in salvageable condition, herself included. Bestowed a prosthetic body and promotion upon regaining conscousness the newly minted Sergeant Major has her own score to settle with Red Oath, those responsible for her current state. [b][i]P[/i]ersonality:[/b] Patriotic Sensual Valorous Gambler Mechanophile [b][i]S[/i]pecialties:[/b] [b]Brings a Sword to a Gunfight:[/b] A requisite of her special forces training Vulma is extremely well versed in the use of oscillating blades. Moreso her unenviable upbringing provides her certain insight into 'fighting to win' they don't teach you at the academy. [b]Criminal Element:[/b] Lowlives don't get much lower than peasants. Yulma knows her way around the sort of slums, dives and dens of ill repute most people take pains to avoid. A trait which continues to present itself as an unlikely boon. [hider=Misc] ◤ Vulma is [u]not[/u] a 'brain in a jar' style cyborg, even though there wouldn't be enough of her to fill a trash bag without those prosthetics. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXOhIJg4B7k]Like the only good scene from this movie.[/url] As such she requires a quarter ration of food and water when deployed, consolidated in a tube of grayish toothpaste like material. Ingesting anything else is problematic. ◤ Her high performance body [u]does not[/u] exceed the capabilities of the other 7-5, as all its members are in some way enhanced. Like her peers it has its strengths and weaknesses. She does however fatigue at a much reduced rate comparatively. Likewise, apart from perhaps a skinned knee here and there, it's no more resistant to harm. ◤ In deployment she's a bit of a workhorse, her long slog through the ranks molding her into the sort of soldier that's comfortable following another's lead. Though a wizard with an O-blade she only draws when its tactically sound--which is rarely. You'll never see her abandon cover or rush a position when a bullet could do the job better. ◤ It's not the sort of thing she'd boast about or bring up, but when people tell her they were raised in a slum it's like telling a child soldier you were in the reserves. They're not the same, it's not common ground and no, you don't know what it was like for her. ◤ She's an iron patriot. In her own words "I owe the army my life twice over now, by my count debt's only half paid." ◤ She will and does bet on just about anything and though she keeps tabs on what each member of the 7-5 owes her she makes it a point not to collect. "Never let money come between family I say." ◤ Considers herself the 7-5's unofficial morale officer. [/hider][/hider]