Thomas felt his mouth turn dry as nervousness swallowed him, of course it hadn't mattered if they couldn't see his face, his wound was as plain as anything his expressions would have given away. His fingers gingerly touched his side, marring his fingers in crimson and not knowing why, he decided to play along with the stupid thought that came into his head. "Oh, this isn't my blood." He said with feigned surprise, recoiling almost comically from the sight of it, as he gave a nervous chuckle. It's not that he didn't want help, it's just that he didn't want to owe these people he had just met. [i] God knows anyone of em' could be one of those damn cultists that worship the glow. [/i] "You keep that. You might need it for later." He added, groaning internally as an older fellow approached at the mention of the word Doctor. However he quickly gained interest in the old man, as he dropped his line short to turn to the familiar crackling sound of a Geiger counter, seemingly attached to a device at his wrist. [i] Well I'll be, the blokes some fucking Vault dweller with a pip boy. [/i] It made sense as he could now see the blue vault suit peeking through the rest of the old mans attire, he wondered what other goodies the fella had, or hell, if he could lead him to the vault he came from, as it clearly wasn't from around here with that accent.