Nyx had been expecting... something. Pity, maybe? Instead it was the two of them sitting on a couch just before the jump started, and relaxing. Talking about jump disorientation and all that. It was relaxing somehow, to know that Eiren was also a person, just someone who was trying to get by as well, and while everything was different, at least it was comforting that now everything was out in the air and she just hoped that it made sense. The jump was normal, all colors and distortion. Even if it felt like Nyx was being pulled in six different directions at once, it felt kind of like a normal part of life, and always brought fond memories. Plus, it always felt like her problems now laid about a million miles away from wherever they were now. It all became kind of new, with everything the same but slightly different somehow, probably because now it all felt wrong somehow from them traveling millions of miles in just a few seconds. However, instead of starting afresh on the problems, Eiren spoke. The lecture wasn't the one she was expecting, and it mostly boiled down to 'this is different so learn it is' and that Eiren wasn't going to reassign her. Nyx had to take a moment to process it all. Then once she had, Nyx decided that she should probably say something in response. [color=00aeef]"O... okay. I'll try. Uhm, see you in twelve hours, then."[/color] Nyx said as she stood to leave. As she walked back to her quarters to sleep, she wondered if it was really that easy to forget her own life and just move on. She put her hand in her pockets and looked at the food she'd swiped earlier. She wondered if there was a saying on Borlix or by Borlix survivors, as she called them. If not, she had the perfect one she could make fit the bill. You can leave Borlix, but Borlix never leaves you. --- Nyx woke up on her own, startled by the darkness, but realizing that she'd shut the shutters -was that what they were called- on her bed and spread out. She wondered how long she'd slept for, and she bet it was long enough that she wouldn't be tired later. She dragged her still groggy carcass out of bed, quickly having a small feast on the food she'd hoarded, and dressing in her flight suit. She assumed that she'd have to change sooner than later. She noted a few pilots that were up before her, but she plopped herself into a chair anyway, forgoing coffee -she couldn't stand the stuff without a lot of time and sugar- and waiting for the commander to begin her talk. She noted Asshole was up and about, but didn't do anything to provoke him this time. She could do something to him later.