As the speech came to a close Ryou was rather unimpressed. It turned out to be a basic speech for all of the students at the school. Their was no important information concerning his classes or the assassin school at the general assembly. He found himself losing focus of the speech and reveling at the headmistress herself. Other times he would doze of into thought about the upcoming year and thoughts about the other students as well. One of his thoughts went to Chi and what it would be like to spend a year with a girl. His mind began down a rather steamy trail which led to a situation with her coming on to him in nothing but her towel. He quickly turned his attention back to the headmistress before those thoughts went any farther. [i]Dumb ADD.[/i] He thought to himself. As the speech ended, he got up to return to his room. [b]"Hey Chi, you ready to head back?"[/b] He added before turning to lead the way out of the building. As the students returned to their rooms, they special ones would notice a pamphlet lying on each of their beds. It explained a couple of rules special to the assassin students. 1. No telling, harming, or killing of the normal students and faculty. The assassin program was meant to be kept a secret. Even though some of you look rather special the other students only see you as freaks or delinquents, and it will stay that way or face capital punishment. 2. Class is mandatory. No skipping class for the sake of plots. Assassination attempts can be made in class though. 3. Should the target survive the class will fail. 4. Other than that enjoy yourselves as normal students at Seiko Academy. We hope you have a fun year! Your classroom for the year will be in room 0B of the main building. You have a key to the janitors closet between the cafeteria and the school shop. This door leads to the basement of the main building. Do not be seen. Class begins at 7;30, like the rest of the school. Good luck.