Here's my CS application, please let me know what (if anything) needs to be changed. [hider=Salomea Serafin][center][b][color=a187be]Name:[/color][/b] Salomea Serafin [b][color=a187be]Age:[/color][/b] 16 [b][color=a187be]Appearance:[/color][/b] [img][/img] Salomea has black hair usually done in shoulder-length pigtails and grey eyes behind her glasses. her timidity, ineptitude and shrinking nature are immediately apparent on her face, making her something of a bully-magnet. [img][/img] The above image is her magical girl outfit. Her soul gem is a a light lilac in color and is a circular gem with a ripple effect located in her hairpiece. [b][color=a187be]Nationality:[/color][/b] Polish [b][color=a187be]Personality:[/color] [/b] Salomea is a shrinking violet who suffers from a mild case of social anxiety. She is introverted and a poor communicator. Salomea is an academic at heart and tends to be pedantic, though her grades are not stellar. She tends to get ignored and her desires and opinions are often overlooked, for which she is resentful, but she does nothing about it as she is non-confrontational. Salomea lacks initiative and has resigned herself to a fate of mediocrity and obscurity. She caves easily to authority, force, threat, and volume. Salomea is usually careful and meticulous but she tends to 'drop the ball' or fold in on herself when stressed, rushed, or otherwise agitated. [b][color=a187be]Afflictions:[/color] [/b] - [b][color=a187be]Wish:[/color][/b] "I wish people would listen to me, that they'd stop ignoring me." [b][color=a187be]Biography: [/color][/b] Salomea was the middle child among three siblings. While her older sibling had responsibility and authority, her younger sibling had attention. Salomea tried to ingratiate herself with her parents by fulfilling their expectations of her as an obedient child and as a student. However this only made her more obscure as her siblings became 'squeaky wheels', their rebellious nature's garnering more attention than her compliance ever could. By this point she was too entrenched in her ways to change and wasn't even fully aware that she simply wanted acknowledgement in the first place. School was different in the fact that her teachers appreciated her hard work, decent scores, and obedience. However this brought a lot of unwanted responsibility from teachers who would assign her tasks and leadership roles, as well as undesirable attention from some of her peers who hated her for being a 'goody two-shoes'. The bullying never got physical, but those who disliked her knew that they could easily get away with refusing to comply with her assigned responsibilities, which caused her distress, pent up frustration, and gave her a sense of powerlessness at being unable to fulfill her expectations and obligations, and making her appear inept. For a few years now, Kyubey has been plaguing her, offering a wish and informing her about her responsibility as a potential magical girl. She refused constantly because she was afraid to fight and because she lacked the confidence to be a hero or do a good job. She also was afraid to wish for anything, believing that she deserved everything bad that happened to her. However as her frustration built up from her home and school life and Kyubey's continuous insistence, Salomea finally caved. Her experience and despair are low despite her age because she hasn't been a magical girl for a very long time but she has survived a few lucky scrapes. [b][color=a187be]Skills:[/color][/b] Trivia: Salomea is a wellspring of useless information Philosophy: Salomea likes to talk about philosophy, especially epistemology and Schopenhauer's Hedgehog's Dilemma. [b][color=a187be]Threads of Fate: [/color][/b] 6 [b][color=a187be]Magical Weapon: [/color][/b] Steel Rod: Salomea's weapon is a simple silver bludgeon like a kanabo or a metal bat, but it is slender, straight, almost as long as she is tall, and has a triangular cross-section. [b][color=a187be]Experience: [/color][/b] 2 [b][color=a187be]Magical Ability: [/color][/b] Harmonics (Core): Salomea's rods vibrate at desired frequencies. These harmonic vibrations can be used to generate sound or shatter various, usually hard and brittle, materials, such as concrete, bone, glass, etc. To achieve the right frequency, Salomea needs to triangulate: she strikes the target once with a low frequency, then again with a high frequency. Based on how the pitch changes after each strike, Salomea can calculate the resonant frequency of the object she is striking, the third or fourth strike is usually quite devastating. For softer materials, the vibrations usually allow the force of Salomea's strikes to penetrate deeper, though some soft materials are just really good at absorbing sonic energy. Cymatic Disruption Field(Secondary): Spawning multiple rods, she plunges these rods into the ground in very specific locations to create an acoustic region. The more rods she manages to put down, the more effective it is. The region is flooded with noise that can stun or disable opponents. At weaker levels, opponents will overcome the initial shock fairly quickly, but at stronger levels, it can induce bleeding from the eyes, ears, teeth, and nose, as well as internal hemorrhaging. her harmonic strikes are also amplified in intensity while in the Cymatic Disruption Field. [b][color=a187be]Signature and Finisher:[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=a187be]██████:[/color][/b] 4% [/center][/hider]