[quote=@Stern Algorithm] Ha, that's a hilarious misinterpretation. To be honest, I just looked up "Polish names" and found two that alliterated. Although I like Serafin which is supposedly derived from Seraphim. Among the Seraphim there is one named (originally enough) Seraphiel, who may also be known as Israfil, an angel associated with divine music who endlessly sings God's praise and instructs other angels to do so. I'm glad you like the abilities. I love sound based powers, though I tend to make a strong distinction against 'music'-based powers. To me, sound is a science, the understanding of waves is a fundamental aspect of the universe, as opposed to music which is an art and a human construct. I feel that someone who's power is sound rather than music has to a certain extent abandoned their humanity. In essence, Salomea is an area-control/crowd-control support-type. Maybe later she can learn to imbue vibrational energy into her allies' weapons. Her weapon is essentially one prong of a tuning fork, while it's blunt and brutal nature is indicative of Salomea's desire and inability to lash out as well as her lack of experience which results in an unrefined combat method AKA beating one's opponent senseless. [/quote] Wonderful connection. I was unaware Israfil was also known as Seraphiel. Learn something every day. I've already taken a liking to how well put and thought out what you say is. Though it could be argued that there is a science to art, and to a lesser degree, an art to science. (Or at least how it and it's discoveries are applied.)