Loopy fuck, a [i]cymatic melee mage[/i]. Who literally just wants to be heard. Also a designated Grief Cleric in Violet. I'd make some comment about the bar for cohesively written characters having just been raised, but this roleplay is honestly already one of the best concentrations of design skill I've seen yet; What the shit are you nerds doing in Casual? Anyway, ok, so, my character is in a conversation so I'm going to heave up a third post now. We haven't had one in a day or so anyway, so I don't think anyone's rushing to get something in that I might contradict by interacting. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [@Lolita Complex] I think some characters might be waiting on details about what the entrance to the barrier is like, and I'm sure we're all curious- Any leaks yet?