[b]Name:[/b] Evan Smiles [b]Hero Name:[/b] Sunshine [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/33861818/large.jpg[/img] [b]Superhero Appearance:[/b] Evan wears various costumes along with face paint, all of which are designed to look like animals. Reference: [hider="Chameleon"] [img]http://pre14.deviantart.net/a4b3/th/pre/i/2010/357/8/4/chameleon_guy_and_the_lollipop_by_smile_san-d35ig7w.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider="Panda"] [img]http://pre05.deviantart.net/4f58/th/pre/i/2013/193/8/5/panda_chu__by_usagi_gun-d6d85x4.png[/img] [/hider] [hider="Penguin"] [img]http://static.zerochan.net/Hazuki.Nagisa.full.1626129.jpg[/img] [/hider] (You get the idea) [b]Personality:[/b] [indent] Evan is often underestimated at first glance, mainly because of the ridiculous outfits he wears. He doesn't have that superhero vibe unlike other badass superheroes, he is more of a clown than anything. Normally he is energetic and cheerful for the most part. He is kind to people even if they are villains. Very social. Although, he doesn't know about boundaries which would make him a tad annoying at times. His intelligence is somewhat questionable, he favors short and straight to the point responses compared to long explanations. His mind tends to wander to imagination land whenever he is bored. He extremely dislikes it when someone hurts his friends. That is when he starts getting serious and attempts to return the favor back at the perpetrator. Also when he is happy, his entire body brights up like a light bulb for comedic effect. Not to mention he has a bottomless pit of a stomach, whether if that is related to his powers is up for debate. [/indent] [b]Equipment:[/b] [indent]Nothing that can really be used in battle. All he carries on him is his wallet, keys, a watch and a phone.[/indent] [b]Abilities:[/b] [indent] [u][b]Solar Manipulation:[/b][/u] Evan's power from the sun, allowing him to harness its energy to become a 'Sun Man'. Of course he cannot instantly vaporize those who come near him, the amount of power he gets is based on distance and amount of time he basks within the sun's rays. So his power peaks when he is in the sky or during the summer time naturally. He is considered useless during the night or in places where there is an absence of sunlight. There are various techniques that Evan has developed. [u][b]Techniques:[/b][/u] [u]Solar Drive-[/u] Evan coats himself in a thin layer of solar energy which allows him to withstand intense heat. His entire body will be glowing yellow, making him hard to look at directly because of how damn bright he is. Unfortunately for him, his brightness level gives away how much energy he has left in him. It also provides a reliable defensive against small projectiles and physical attacks while at the same time enhancing his own. The heat radiating off his body could be felt by his opponents standing across a few meters away from him, but it would just feel like they are just standing near a fireplace. Being in contact with him is the main issue, one punch could potentially lead to third degree burns if the skin is exposed. If in contact with the skin long enough, the burns will cause internal damage without melting all the layers of the skin. These types of burns are considered not lethal and will not stop the organs from functioning. They will just really sting and make the opponent more fatigued than they already are. Generally, just touching him in this mode is not recommended. This mode takes a lot of energy to maintain, so in order to prevent himself from running out of solar power, he developed a partial variation to it. Allowing him to coat different parts of his body for any given situation. He cannot use a full body variation of Solar Drive during the night, hell even a partial variation is too risky to use. While in his full body Solar Drive, his physical capabilities are increased by the amount of energy he has, ie. His speed, strength, durability...ect...All of that decreases each time he goes into Solar Drive. So the only time when his strength is at peak is when he uses his first Drive, since he can only typically use it three times a day, the last one would add no physical boost while the second Drive would be half of the power he gets from his first one. I would also like to add he gets no physical boost if he only coats his limbs, it HAS to be a full body Drive. He is not considered untouchable in this state. Bladed weapons such as a sword will still be able to pierce through him with ease. Physical attacks may not be recommended, but it's possible to inflict damage to him just by unarmed combat, in return for receiving some self inflicted burns. There is a risk for him using Solar Drive. The longer he stays in this mode the higher damage he will receive to his own body after the duration has ended. The damage he receives will always be some type of burn and soreness of the body, which can take a toll on him if he stays in Solar Drive longer than he has to. A full body Solar Drive will only last for about five minutes without interruption. If he cancels out his Solar Drive before the duration is up, then he will receive a part of the total damage he would normally get if the timer ran out. Then he could choose to continue from the time he has left or discard it to avoid any more damage. The latter would cause him to be on a cooldown period. After he uses a Drive, he needs to wait out for ten minutes before he can use another one. Using a partial variation does not affect the cooldown at all, but it will affect the amount of damage he receives to the body part he coated. He can only use a full body Solar Drive three times a day before his body starts to suffer from long term injuries. [u]Reserved Energy-[/u] To make up for his weakness to some extent, a small amount of solar energy is reserved in case of an emergency. Limited in power, there is absolutely no way for Evan to properly defend himself in a full scale fight. This is primarily used for the night time, unleashing his reserved energy during the day will cause him to not have any left over for when night falls. [u]Solar Flames-[/u] Evan's main source of offense. He can create fireballs, firewalls, fireflies, pretty much manipulate fire that is generated from him or caused by his powers. Any preexisting flames will not fall under his control. The color of his flames will always be golden, making it very pretty to look at. The power and amount of flames he generates is entirely dependent by how much solar energy he has stored. When that energy runs dry, his flames will burn out. [u]Pyrokinetic Flight-[/u] By coating his legs in solar energy (Partial Solar Drive), he can use his flames to propel himself like a rocket and take flight into the sky where he combats best. [u]Solar Beam-[/u] The most powerful technique in his arsenal, which also carries the highest risk. The reason being, he has to sacrifice his Solar Drive and remain stationary with one hand raised above his head. All of the current and absorbed energy will be focused at one point, forming a ball of compacted energy in his hand. When all of that power is released, it forms a single laser beam powerful enough to blow away anything in its path. He would have to wait a significant amount of time if he wants his beam to be effective. For example, waiting like ten seconds would only form a beam the size of an average looking arrow, incapable of piercing through a human body let alone armor. Will leave a pretty nasty burn though. Waiting ten minutes would form a large scale attack, powerful enough to pierce through multiple buildings and create a new road across the city. Of course at his current level, he can only do a one to five minute charge. In addition, he can only create a single beam. The longer he charges, the brighter his hand becomes, making him very noticeable. [/indent] [b]Skills:[/b] [indent] [u]Acrobatics and Agility:[/u] Evan uses his small frame to his advantage by being quick on his feet and agile enough to be a slippery opponent to deal with. Although stalling for time is something he doesn't normally do, with his abilities being on a timer and all. He can buy enough time if requested, even if it means putting himself at risk. [u]Sewing:[/u] An old skill he has learned since he was just a child. Resulting in having his own stylish wardrobe. So stylish that he opened up his own little clothing store. [u]Precision:[/u] Evan required a lot of practice to get his flames/beams to hit a target. Even more practice for a moving target. Being able to keep an eye on his target in real combat allowed him to improve on his reflexes. [/indent] [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] Evan grew up with his twin sister Lily and were raised by their rich grandparents. Both were home schooled by excellent tutors, but Evan only paid attention to half of the material. His mind was elsewhere, thinking about how to become a superhero and have many friends like he always dreamed of. His power awakened on a hot summer day while Evan was sunbathing in the yard, but he didn't discover it until the next day when he accidentally burnt his grandparent's manor down. From that moment on, he ran away with his sister to go down the path of a hero. Evan trained under a local hero who taught him how to control his powers and eventually became a real superhero himself at age sixteen. His first given rank was D, but he slowly climbed up the ranks to become a B+ player. [b]Hero Rank:[/b] B [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snI2Dlvf_iY[/url]