[@The book of bad juju] [hider=shit rant w/ character theorising]Nope. It will depend too much on whose company my character falls into and how the events of the roleplay treat her. She has a lot of growing up to do, but still has the basic set of good intentions required to mature into a less vulnerable, less self-absorbed, socially conscious person if she's given the chance to acknowledge her mistakes and actively work on her poor methods of coping and interacting. Being around other Magical Girls and witnessing them interacting and developing with one another will help her a lot in that regard. She hasn't been a very good friend or provided very good reasons for people to be friends with her until now, but collaborating with the other characters could teach her some things. On the other hand, she also has more than enough latent insecurity, naivete and repressed memories of her mistakes to collapse into despair rather quickly if the right buttons are pushed. Finding out that the direct legacy of a Magical Girl is just another witch won't do her good at all, depending on how she receives the news. Fucking up her attempts to help again as she did in her backstory will also go a long way into giving in to futility. I think there's a slim chance that Kei ends up in some kind of neutral state between maturation and despair, in which her desire to socialise finally wanes from lack of results, but her introspective nature and coping mechanisms intensifies enough to give her something else to cling to and work on into perpetuity (until eventually, as with the positive outcome, something goes wrong). I don't actually know how that might happen. Something more ambitious than just roaming around defacing property and killing witches might get stuck in her head, or her motives for continuing those behaviours might change. tl;dr idk man[/hider]