[@Minimum][@LostDestiny] The potential danger of the situation growing fast, Bree leveled her gaze on the blade that was pointed in her direction, but she did not move. To show any weakness now would be unwise. And, as if the two strangers before her were not threatening enough, she dared not turn her attention from them to see what new threat might hide behind the tree. Stifling a sigh, she slowly pushed back her black hood and raked a hand through her hair. "What are any of us doing here, I must wonder?" she muttered, for she found this jungle a most unwelcoming place. "But I've no quarrel with or interest in either of you. I am merely passing through this place. My own purpose lays somewhere on the other side." She paused, considering the truth of her own words and the array of blades and magic in her path, before adding, "At least-it might."