I finally got my character done, and he isn't even that good. All that time it took was definitely just me slacking off and thinking about what I should do with his backstory. [hider=RUCA-1181E, or 'Ace'] [u][b][b]Name:[/b][/b][/u] Toranma Android Flight Model. Serial Code: RUCA-1181E. AKA 'Ace' [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] Biologically 32, chronologically 7. [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] This model identifies as male. [u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Android [u][b]Homeworld:[/b][/u] Toranma, a planet that builds androids for all sorts of uses, from maid androids to military androids to androids made for flying ships (such as Ace). Their machines are designed to be different from other machines in that they don't have personality chips. [u][b]Position:[/b][/u] First Helmsman [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Ace was one of the first androids to be given an experimental (and failed) personality chip. The chip worked, in fact the androids acted like real people, but as a result several of their chips were fried or supercharged. Ace was designed to be level-headed and the 'straight man' of a crew, however the personality chip malfunctioned and he became cocky and smug, with a tad bit of smartassness and a rather arrogant additude. He makes quips about the current situation, and on occasion points out how ridiculous some of the crew's missions are. Nonetheless, he's kind, and cares for the rest of the crew as if they were his family. [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [url=http://www.fireflyfans.net/bluesunimages/7CC1608538A3762F756B79E4952117E6.jpg]Click.[/url] Wears [url=http://image.sportsmansguide.com/adimgs/l/2/234435_ts.jpg]this[/url] jacket. Being an android, he didn't come with any extremities (something he loathes), and only wears clothes because it makes the others uncomfortable to have a naked android walking around. He's (very clearly) designed to appear human, in fact he and his kin appear so human that the only way to prove they're androids is through their serial numbers imprinted on the back of their necks. [u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u] [b]Flying Ace[/b]: Though all of the Toranma androids were made to have equal abilities, one of the results of the personality chip was that his flight ability chip was supercharged. Basically, this means that he's a great pilot, albeit far from the greatest. [u][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/u] [b]Spasms[/b]: Due to several of his chips being fried as result of the experimental personality chip, on occasion Ace will spasm before collapsing, before going into sleep mode. He won't come out of sleep mode for another few hours. [b][u]Equipment:[/u][/b] Clothing, IG Enforcer, and eighteen rounds for pistol. [b][u]Biography:[/u][/b] Ace was created on Toranma, along with millions of brothers and sisters. They were all created for the sole purpose of piloting ships, though a select few, one of which being Ace, were chosen to be given an experimental personality chip. The chip worked, but several other chips in their systems were either fried or supercharged as a result, and the androids that were given the personality chip were either destroyed or sent to a scrapyard. Ace was one of the androids sent to the scrapyard (wouldn't make sense if he was destroyed, now would it?), and was dormant for years. Two weeks ago, he was put up for sale by the scrapyard owner (well, not really for sale considering the owner was literally giving him away), and the UNT took him with them and assigned him to the crew of the Exeralune. The crew nicknamed him 'Ace' and he soon became a vital part of the Exeralune[s] even if he hasn't appeared this far into the RP[/s]. [/hider]