[@sassy1085] Yuki hissed missing her by a hair's breadth and took the full brunt of the fist to her face. Luckily her mask was thick enough to absorb most of the blow, but nevertheless it rattled her slightly, causing her to stumble back for a bit before regaining her footing. [color=f49ac2]"Psh! Should've known you were gonna fight dirty!"[/color] She growled readjusting her mask. [color=f49ac2]"No matter. It'll just make it all the more satisfying when I've cleaved you in half!"[/color] And back she was to attacking Rin with all her rage, all the while laughing madly, but soon enough- [color=6ecff6]"RIN-SAN!"[/color] She was here. [color=f49ac2]"GRRRRR! Dammit!"[/color] She turned to see Tohru, standing before the sun breathing heavily, her emerald eyes ablaze with such righteous fury. She brandished the remnants of her wooden blade, whittled down to but a mere dagger, but enough to face off against the incensed Yuki. The young assassin was boiling on the inside, her blood burning inside her veins, yet outside a smirk she issued with an ill snicker, [color=f49ac2]"Sorry fair Prince, but you won't be rescuing this princess anytime soon!"[/color] She pressed a small button on the hilt of her sword, and much to Tohru's surprise, from the pommel a bladed chain emerged. [color=f49ac2]"Hahahahaha!!! DIE!!"[/color] Now wildly she whipped about the sword on the end of her chain, a macabre ballet of death that was sure to rip anyone to pieces in its path. Quickly Tohru dove out of the way, just as the blade was close to ripping her chest open, and rolled beside Rin. [color=6ecff6]"Rin-san, are you hurt?!"[/color] She asked despite being short of breath, but again she was dodging Yuki's relentless attacks. Dammit, they had to stop this girl. She wasn't like Kaname, who showed some degree of sanity. Yuki, she was just flat out insane, willing to drive herself even madder just for the sake of killing them both.