[quote=@Saint Girralo] I was thinking the Orcs were human like kinda like Skyrim, not that impressive so no I didn't add it. Seeing what they are, yeah I would have. [@Prince of Seraphs] plus I never saw anything about how they fought. Plus I did say she has kill many orcs. [/quote] There are orcs of most shapes and sizes but those that would be in an Orc charge would be the giant orcs. Think Scottish highlanders vs normal English soldier. You wanna run for that. Killed many orcs is a very different thing from surviving multiple or charges and racking up a kill count. I figured she may have gone toe to toe with small raiding parties or single orcs. Not entire armies. Evidently I've been too vague about a number of things that I should have made more explicit. I figured concepts like elves, orcs and dwarves would be fairly standardized. Clearly I was wrong. I'll spend this weekend updating the original post with the various towns and regions of Valeria as well as a more detailed depiction of the various races.