[@Simple Unicycle] Hey, saw your character, just wanted to point out a few things I saw. As always no offense meant (I know the character I created was hardly great), but critic and ideas do make us better and stuff :D Again don't need to make any changes if you don't want, just a few thoughts. [quote]Ace was designed to be cocky and sarcastic, with a tad bit of smartassness and a rather arrogant additude.[/quote] Why would someone design an android to be like this? Surely for a "perfect pilot" you'd want someone level headed, rather than someone based off my own cuntyness :D Having said that, you made a personality chip, which is a perfect explanation for such things. Perhaps the random mutations that create a personality were what caused the project to be a failure. Heck, the ones who were (Attempted to be?) destroyed could be the ones that developed more dangerous and psychopathic traits. [quote]he didn't come with any extremities ([b]something he loathes[/b])[/quote] Actually quoting this because this little bit peaks my interest, and wanna see more. Is this someone who wants to be human (Wants to be a real boy?) or even believes he's human and hates everything about himself that defies that? [quote]the crew of the Exeralune took him with them to replace their First Helmsman, who had recently died in a battle.[/quote] Unless I'm wrong, I think this is the first official voyage of the Exeralune, before they go off on adventures, meaning nobody could have died yet. Having said that, ragged bunch of misfits with exceptional abilities kinda explains why your character would have been picked :D