5 As the pair walked down the street Camilla reached up and took Abby's hand. The young girl didn't know quite why herself but it simply felt like the right thing to do. Abby was new and possibly needed showing around, and holding hands was a good thing in general. It reminded her of a simpler time. A time that wasn't so long ago. To be fair it reminded her of her mom, but she didn't make that connection. "If your talking about Thebes, Sparta, and Athens they're technically called city states. But they're kinda united." Camilla said with a grin, her brother had told her all about the city states, mostly about Athens, so Abby couldn't possibly trick her on this one. She knew what she was talking about. The ice cream place was nice. The two were served fresh frozen milk outside, under colorful parasols. Everything was so pretty in this place. Camilla's ice cream was topped with fruits she'd never even heard of "pineapple" and "peaches", and drizzled with honey, the only substance she'd known about on the entire dish. As she ate she answered Abby's question, however with another question. "Why don't you ask Adam? He's really nice and knows everything,". She continued eating as though this information were common knowledge. "Do you think there are any cats here?" She asked after another bite. "Or dogs?". She seemed equally interested in this new found hope for animals as she did the ice cream. [@Airalin]