Before Jett's blade could even make it to the man's chest, he was met with the beautiful carbon-derived sword with the forked edge. With pristine accuracy, the blade was suddenly between the two edges as both men pushed against one another. The broken pavement beneath them cracked as wind burst around them. He stared into Corban's amber visor for a few moments. This was something of a challenge for the jokester, and he certainly liked challenges. He had no intent of hurting the man, only to rough him up a bit until he won. He wasn't able to react until the man began to twist his sword around. Knowing the worst was potentially coming, he quickly took his grip off of the sword's hilt, effectively making it disappear at his discretion just as quickly as it had materialized. He looked down, noticing the elbow and the knee both simultaneously come forward in an effort to meet their targets. He jumped backwards with great speed, dodging both attacks respectively, "Hey, nice one!" He commented, "You're pretty fast, carbon guy! Heh." As he went into the air, a chill would run through the both of them as an onyx colored substance began to emerge around Jett's body. As the darkness into his hand and transformed into an orb, his hazel eyes darkened significantly. Before hitting the ground a few feet away he threw the orb forward like a baseball. Once it grew close to him, the orb would become akin to a grenade as Jett willed the orb to combust, creating a moderate explosion just in front of Corban--enough to blow him back quite a few feet, "Let's see if you can take this!"