Name: Cooper Newman Age: 18 Gender: Female [hider=Appearance:][img][/img][/hider]Job: Metalheart Bio: Cooper is the spirited daughter of two other Metalhearts, and she's been looked down upon for it since she was born. In a rebellious, contrary kind of way, she gets a kick out of being the lowest of the low in the eyes of society. She's excited to be a Metalheart, though she knows all too well how difficult and laborious of a job it is, but she believes that being a Metalheart is just as important (if not moreso) as being a powerful lawyer or politician. She's very proud of her family, and wants to make her mother and father proud by following in their footsteps. More than anything, she wants to earn enough money to afford them better living conditions, anything better than the squalid apartment they live in now. Cooper is cheery and loudmouthed, and while she is unusually outspoken for someone of her status, she isn't foolish enough to fight back at the risk of making things even worse for herself and others (but if she could, she would). She's compassionate to the point of being a bleeding heart, sometimes being so concerned for the welfare of others that she forgets her own needs or comes across as intrusive. Other: She was raised by her parents, Joseph and Vanna Newman, in the poorest part of the city in a tiny apartment.