The World! Filled with crime and despair! But Worry not there is a hero! A man of justice! A man who fights for the people! He is... Justice Rider! Usagi sat in front of his TV, eating a nice bowl of udon as he watched his favorite program, Justice Rider! “Hahaha... Get him!” He chuckled, slurping down the noddles. He was an adult now, free from his mothers house, but... a Ronin, that's right! Usagi was avoiding college like the plague, because he didn't wish to put any more financial burden on his mother. As he sat there, enjoying his anime and his noodles, his phone began to ring. The tone was that of his favorite singer, Haraki Maito, a popular idol, this meant it must be his mother calling. “Hello!” Usagi answered cheerfully. “Hello dear! How are you doing this evening?” Yes! It was his mother after all... though it wasn't as though he received many phone calls. “Oh, I'm doing well! How are you mom? Are you alright? Did you get the money I sent?” He could hear his mother chuckle on the other end. “Yes dear, but you should save that money for yourself! Hero's only make so much you know!” He knew his mother was concerned but, she shouldn't be, he had his own place after all. “I'm fine mom! I eat well! I promise! I have everything I need!” The room he sat in was covered in Anime and video games... and empty convenience store food containers. “Well good! So have you done your heroing for today?” A cold chill ran down his spine, heroing!? That's right! He has to do heroic deeds every day doesn't he!? He'd forgotten all about it! Oh... Oh this was bad! “Hahaha... Of course I did!” He laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his head, trying to hide the truth. “Your mother knows when you're lying you know!” He could feel the anger from the other end of the phone. “No... I haven't...”He let out a dejected sigh, “Well get to it! You're needed out there! Go be a hero!” Usagi nodded, “Yes mom...” “I love you dear.” “Love you too.” Usagi hung up the phone and looked towards his mask. “Wellp... Time for Kamen Usagi I guess.” His hands shook a bit as he reached for the mask. “Nnngh... I really don't wanna do thiiiisss.....” His hand gripped the mask and with a deep breath he put it on... “KAMEN USAGI IS HERE!!!” He threw off his robe and rushed to the closet, “Time to teach some bastards a lesson!”