[color=#d62a44]Name:[/color] Manuel “Manny” Lane [color=#d62a44]Hero Name:[/color] Black Antler [color=#d62a44]Age:[/color] 20 [color=#d62a44]Gender:[/color] Male [color=#d62a44]Appearance:[/color] [hider=Regular][IMG]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j62/Levi_Rios/blondy_zpsg8yuvkrr.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [color=#d62a44]Superhero Appearance:[hider=Hero][IMG]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j62/Levi_Rios/Cold-Hearted_zpsbe8cfmv7.jpg[/IMG][/hider][/color] [color=#d62a44]Personality:[/color] Manny outside of work is an outgoing individual. He is sweet and caring; his motivation is to bring a smile towards other people. He can act a bit silly with his sense of humor; he might throw a joke or a pun here and there. If it’s with a girl, he’ll throw a pun and a flirt, here and there. The guy never loosens his smile as he was taught smiling is contagious; overall, he has a chill attitude and loves the company of others. When Manny puts on his costume, he plays the role of Black Antler. He chooses to rid of the outside personality and adopt an entirely different one. His personality changes to a serious tone and his mannerisms are more strict and stiff. Black Antler abandons all loose and humor aside to make way for a stern and calculating demeanor. The hero does this for the sake of his mission; there have been times where he confuses the roles and accidentally tells a joke or two, but mistakes happen. It’s a must to admit that Black Antler is one of the competitive-types as he will taunt and encourage his enemies. [color=#d62a44]Equipment:[/color] Metallic antlers that grow from his head. [color=#d62a44]Abilities:[/color] [color=#7f7bee]Strength:[/color] Manny possesses superior strength compared to the average man. He is able to bench press 220 pounds as of this moment. [color=#7f7bee]Speed:[/color] Manny’s speed beats both reindeer and man! He is able to sprint at the speeds of 60mph. [color=#7f7bee]Antlers:[/color] His antlers enable him to attack enemies and objects head on. If they were regular, wooden antlers, they would have broken by now. Fortunately, Manny’s antlers are made from a type of metallic alloy. This gives me him an a better chance of fighting against sword-equipped enemies or sharp objects. [color=#7f7bee]Temperature Drop:[/color] For some reason unknown, the temperature around Black Anter tends to drop. He has not found out why this happens, but the area does get colder. Perhaps there are other powers he’ll need to unlock through training? TO BE LATER DEVELOPED... [color=#d62a44]Skills:[/color] The only skills he has only pertain to using his new found strength to fight. He hasn't really had the time to take a class pertaining to "How to Hack a Computer," "Hot-Wire a Car," or even "Cooking for Chumps." [color=#d62a44]Brief Backstory:[/color] Manny had nothing to lose. He was not particularly happy with life. Depression had hit him pretty hard; every day he went out disappointed, or glum. People can admit it was hard for Manny to crack a smile; people were starting to give up on him and expected there was no hope. They called him a lost cause. Manny couldn’t help it, but he was left alone to deal with his depression. Manuel was not sure what to do next. He started treating himself badly as retaliation. As things grew worse, he decided to sign his body up for science. A simple job listing he found directed in his email. The email described liabilities and possible death, but the reward would be most satisfying. In both directions, Manny could not see a negative outcome. He signed up and it came for the better and worse. The experiment had called for the splicing of animal and human DNA while enhancing the genetics. Manuel was of course given a dose of white-tailed DNA; the process was torturing and agonizing. Manny had spat out blood for weeks and had lost his voice due to the constant screaming. Luckily, God was there with him. There had been an outbreak and he utilized this to his advantage to escape the mayhem. Manuel and a few others had managed to flee the horrible experimentations. Manny did gain a sense of new abilities and skills, but most importantly, his depression was gone. [color=#d62a44]Hero Rank:[/color] C-Rank [color=#d62a44]Theme Song:[/color] [hider=Time to Get Serious]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1yIyLadGbI[/hider] [hider=Kim Possible has her own ringtone...]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KU4z9-zwZec[/hider]