[@GrafRoy Zeppeli] [h3]Cupido Morningstar[/h3] Cupido sighs and turns the paper around. Internally scolding himself for not doing that in the first place. He looks through the names then gets bumped. His wings snaps out pushing student away from him with slight force...to them feeling like they just got hit by a large swan. With enough breathing room he straightens his vest and his 6 foot tall self moves through the crowd with a look that was causing many to give him space. He then stops, a small smile erupting on his face when he spots Juliann with a sign around her neck. He strides over to her and shakes his head. [color=lightpink]"Darling, why the sign? You could have just asked me to come over and I could have helped"[/color] he shakes his head. His eyes glow somewhat and what appears to be a black and white newspaper boy standing on a box appears next to her. [color=lightcoral] "Extra! Extra! Teacher here to help Read all about it! Extra! Extra!"[/color] Cupido looks back to her and tilts his head. [color=lightpink]"Since I am waiting for Joulie, Victarian, Veraand and Meruin to find me...Would you mind if I stand over here darling?"[/color] He doesn't really interact with the other teachers, so he was curious of her reaction, especially since he just created an illusion next to her....it was a rather simple one for him, people could pass right through the newspaper boy holding his newspaper and shouting. However, he could never really gauge other's reactions. Then again he did just toss all caution to the wind once again and can't help but not care too much. His pink eyes seeming to withhold any true emotions he feels, his wings tucking neatly and his hands slipping into his pants' pockets. If she told him off he would simply leave and let her go back to having a sign around her neck. If anything, he was saving her the embarrassment at the moment. Heck she should thank him a bit. How nice is he today, helping this poor woman with a sign....must be his good mood.