The Kid Climbing on the back of the bike James tried his best not to stare too long. The city was in ruins, screams escaping through the streets, humans that should have never been so mutilated, organs outside their bodies and yet they stumbled across the carnage, arms slightly raised as though they were grabbing the air itself to keep standing. it was their jaws that made him uneasy, smacking with no noise in a silent scream. Yet what caused him to look away was the corpses that began to run, the absolute stuff of nightmares. "Take a left up on 21st street" looking around at what still sparked normal memories of getting to work caused a strange ping his chest. He would be so board seeing the same thing over and over again but now he wanted nothing more than to see that same tagged wall and broken window that he would look through each morning. Going over the bridge though he saw why Reena told them to take the back roads. Stand still traffic lined below them for miles, the honking of horns sounded through the sirens even as he watched in horror eaten bodies clawing at the cars and attacking any that had the misfortune of not being sealed. "There not letting anyone out of here..." That only meant that they had to be under some kind of quarantine, they had to get out, they had to.