[h3][center][color=00aeef]-Alexis Sinclair-[/color][/center][/h3] [center]Market District[/center] It was a pretty nice day, all things considered. Even a person who was a bit of a shut in found the day to be fairly pleasant. Which was why she was currently doing some shopping while there was a sale going on to stock up on junk food, soda, and perhaps the occasional bit of food that was healthy. She was likely going to throw those out, but eh. Who knows. She might decide to not eat cheap ramen and noodles for once. Not entirely likely. Now, the young 'villain' if she could be called that, was simply minding her own business, intending to get gone and back home. Her mom was probably going to be stopping by for a visit soon, as much as she hated dealing with her mom. The woman made her life hell every time she came to visit. Always going on about her getting into too much trouble and teasing her about getting a boyfriend or something. Ugh. Even if she had a boyfriend she'd never tell her mom. People thought fathers were bad about their daughters and dates? Her mom was ten times worse then anything her dad could conjure up. Then again, he was the suave well-liked businessman, and her mom was an ex-super villain. She supposed being scary came with the territory. Thoughts for later now. For now, she needed food. At least, that's what she was planning on doing until she saw some shady guys in some long coats. ...well, this had trouble spelled all over it. Would be interesting to watch, eheh. Too bad she didn't have her gear with her at the moment or she'd definitely love to play with some supers should they be called here... Well, her apartment wasn't that far away, and if she was quick, she could make it. So the girl turned, and started off towards her home at a light jog.