[quote=file #30] [centre][i]United Nations Anomalies Research Mission[/i][/centre] [right]Date and time: 09/03/2016, 0900[/right] [centre][b]Analyses report-subject 30[/b][/centre] Accessing the subject's medical files proved simple. Perhaps the absence of any childhood injuries is an indication of the subject's abilities. Perhaps though the subject is merely quite lucky, in that he never received a broken bone, or other such injury, yet what are the chances of that? Perhaps being blind brings about a caution that would otherwise not be there in a child, but there is no indication of any other injuries, no burns, cuts, or anything else. Indeed the subject does not even appear to have any scars. Further testing, particularly in giving the subject injuries, will serve to prove whether or not he has any sort of healing abilities. Yet what is perculiar is the subject appeared not to suffer any injuries from the car accident that killed his mother when he was a child. The subjects mother was dead on scene, but the baby was unharmed. Files on the accident were accessed, and it was believed that the child surviving was nothing short of a miracle. Just when do the higher beings abilities manifest?[/quote] [hr] [i]Logistics Building, Cafeteria.[/i] Date and Time: 9/3/2016 – 0900 Setting the phone aside, Agent Caits started writing in a note book, leaving her electronics where they were, knowing even that her movements could be tracked, Agent Caits had her body arranged so that this could be more difficult to do. [i]"I know that they weren't required"[/i] She said, not looking up, choosing her words carefully [i]"I'm tired, Dioxide. We can't afford a screw up with the subjects, can we? We need their cooperation, and for now Cody seems to be. Subject 29, not so much."[/i] She picked up the phone again, pondering for a moment as if reading, before putting it down again, and writing once more [i]I think the subjects became unruly, or were no longer useful, or that they were pushed too far. But we have never seen bodies. What if they are still alive?[/i] "Check that for me, will you? I'm dead useless without spell check" She pushed the notebook towards Agent Dioxide, knowing she could easily destroy the paper. [hr] In his cell once more, Cody leaned against a wall. While he wasn't sure if it was an outside wall or not, the young man could still hear sounds of nature. It pleased him, and he closed his tired eyes. His breathing slowed, and Cody entered the state of sleep he was accustomed to. A whole lot of white, and shadows. And the voices, the numerous voices he...collected. [i]The voices drifted in and out, never making sense, never staying long, as the light swirled, always avoiding the shadows. Shapes were often seen, but Cody never really saw them. There, as always, was his mothers voice. So pure. So beautiful. And it always brought back the few memories he had of her. Now, now...it faded, and Cody woke[/i] He didn't open his eyes, wishing just one more time that he could know his mothers face. His stepmother was wonderful, but...perhaps it wouldn't be so bad, if he didn't have those memories of his mother. He opened his eyes slowly, humming as he always did after waking the song. It was cheerful, it was bright, and it was peace. It gave Cody hope, that maybe he could...escape. The humming seemed to echo once more around the cell, and with it light. Three balls of light, bouncing around, bright and happy, as if they were dancing. Cody did not seem aware of them, and he closed his eyes once more.