[h3]Grant Vale -- Grand Magic Games Event[/h3] The blood wizard grinned as he approached the skinny transformation Wizard, amused by their jokes. [color=Crimson]”Heh, picking on someone my own ‘size’ is about as entertaining as picking on someone like you. You’re just in my way to victory, kiddo.”[/color] He spun the knife in his hand once before cutting his other hand with it, leaving that dark red sheen on both hands. He didn’t have the advantage of having killing something before the fight this time, but he doubted he would need it. As Karn launched rocks at him, they would likely notice a magic circle appearing in his right eye just before Grant expertly avoids most of the rocks, and as Karn charged forward, the blood mage dug his heels into the ground, and would barely flinch at the strike towards his chin. His sinister smile would only grow deeper as Karn landed and launched a kick towards his back. With inhuman speed, Grant avoided the strike, and grabbed Karn’s leg with his left hand, keeping it held out. His grip was firm and positioned well enough to keep his opponent from immediately using it to their advantage. [color=Crimson]”Funny. At first you seemed hesitant to engage me at close range, like you knew my abilities. Which makes sense, as I did have that fight with Maddox. But then you proceed to attack me at close range. Odd.”[/Color] He’d chuckle, his grip on Karn’s leg seemingly unshakeable. [color=Crimson]”Oh well, I’ll give you credit for being fast, though. [i]Link bodies[/i]”[/color] A magic circle would appear on Karn’s leg, and after a moment Grant would grimace, his grip relaxing slightly. This would only last for a second, after which he’d attempt to throw Karn away, towards the center of the arena, had the boy not already escaped his weakened grip. Once he had finished this task, Grant seemed to become quickly disinterested in the blonde individual, though he would still say one more thing to them. [color=Crimson]”Now, if you stay out of my way, and don’t lose to someone else, you might make it to second place.”[/color] He’d walk towards the next contestant he thought he could handle, that Malice girl from Pirate Lord looked like a good target. He would seem to ignore Karn for the time being, but chances were he was ready to catch another attack from the tiny mage. His leverage over Penny had been acquired, and it would take a lot to get him to give that up. Though, he wondered, how could a little guy like him be in so much pain? Of course, if Grant enjoyed other’s suffering any less, he would’ve at least used his blood magic to make Karn’s existence temporarily less unpleasant. [@Silver Fox][@Caits][@Oblivion666]