[b]THOMAS[/b] [quote=@Sol Grim] [b][i]Ethan[/i][/b] Still no reception. The television wasn't working either, but the radio he saw in one of the garages might. He came back to the others with a backpack he found full of water and the radio. He plugged it in to the nearest socket and fiddled around with it. Ashley was calmed down a bit more now, lying on the couch. She was probably in shock. "Thank you," Ethan told the man that brought them in. He could still hear the runners pressing against the door they came in. He knew they couldn't stay here for long. "We'd probably be dead right now. I'm Ethan by the way, she's a student of mine. Her names Ashley. We were on a bus heading to the university when he got in a bad accident. Then...people started attacking other people...tearing them apart, you know? Something horrible is happening." After a few moments, the radio kicked on. "...are blocked off. Stay in your homes and barricade everything. The military is working on...." "Oh yeah, this'll be some clean up," Ethan said. "The military's going to have their hands full for a pretty long time. They might as well just...bomb the city." He realized as he said it, how true that could come to happen. He tried to put it away from his mind, at least for the time being. [/quote] Wait. What did Ethan just say? [color=fff200][i]Bomb the city!? Oh hell no. They can't do that! Or can they?[/i][/color] Thomas thought to himself. [color=fff200]"Ethan, this is no time for pleasantries. I'm Thomas. That's Luis,"[/color] he said nodding to the Latino male, [color=fff200]"and that worthless blob over there,"[/color] he claimed with no regard towards his boss, [color=fff200]"is John Russell." [/color] If the military would even consider bombing the city, they'd better go now. And even if they weren't, Ashley, the poor girl, needed proper medical attention, stat. [color=fff200]"Ethan, we're going to help you,"[/color] he said calmly as he grabbed a bottle of water and washed the wound, [color=fff200]"but I need you to focus. So, ignore the radio."[/color] "[i]Citizens are advised to remain calm, and to please stay inside...[/i]" continued the radio announcer. Gun shots and thunderous booms could be heard in the background. [color=fff200]"Over against the back wall, behind bay two, that's the one on the far side from us are two buttons,"[/color] Thomas was trying to keep the terror of total obliteration via bombing out of his mind. [color=fff200]"Hit the red one marked 'DOWN,' that'll lower the car, which we'll need to take Ashley out of here."[/color] The images of F-22s flying over head dropping multiple high explosive bombs upon a sea of frightened people and crazed what-ever-they-weres flashed before his eyes. [color=fff200]"The keys are in the ignition. You'll drive. Luis and I will take care of Ashley."[/color] Sitting atop the lift in Bay 2 was a 2016 LandRover LR4. [img]http://cdn2.business2community.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/land-rover-lr4-1601-600x401.jpg[/img] Some rich prick had brought it in the day before, demanding the vehicle be checked out immediately. 'There's something going on with the rear axle. It's humming or something.' The man obviously had no clue what was wrong, so Thomas and Luis were going to give it the 'once over' and then do nothing but give it an oil change, which is was well past due for. Once the prick returned to pay the bill, they were gonna tell him to bring it to their private shop on the outskirts of the city, to get a good deal on repairs. And then they could really hit him up for the big money. They had been doing this for the last couple months out of Luis' run down shack of a place just five miles south of York Junction. Why should John Russell reap all the benefits of their hard labor? So, they had set out to make a name for themselves. They had already wooed away some of [i]FastLane's[/i] regulars -- sure these regulars came in for the customary oil change and brake job, but any major repairs went out to the shop near the Junction. They were going to make a name for themselves ... Just then a loud THUD, wrestled the [i]FastLane[/i] crew from their current reality. BANG! Echoed another large thud from one of the bay doors. Followed by a cacophony of mangled cries and garbled words. Through the small rectangular glass window of the Entrance door a distorted face was pressed against the glass. Blood streaked its face; trying to distinguish whether it was male or female was nigh impossible. Its mouth gaped open wider than humanly possible, barring blood stained teeth, and a near black tongue. More bangs and rattles shook Bay One and Two's doors. Whatever was out there, was now trying to get in. [color=fff200]"Ethan, go!"[/color] Thomas cried. [color=fff200]"Luis,"[/color] was all Thomas had to say to spur his co-worker into action. John Russell stood there unmoving. A wet spot showing on his pants, growing larger by the second.