[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/l15MM1Q.jpg[/img] [b]A Divine Week, Days 3-8[/b][/center] Iravis remembered an adventure, time in the forest with an old friend. When Iravis woke up in the morning to arms tightly wrapped around herself, the Phoenix made her first priority tossing Lyssa out of the room with divine might. The goddess attended the morning classes, a little irritated that the hellion would take advantage of her drunken state. Next time Lyssa showed up to the room, Iravis informed the pouting demon that she wasn't comfortable being touched so much, and the hellion surpsingly backed off. A lot. For the next few days, the Phoenix would only see Lyssa sporadically. Something simply was wrong. The demon even came home with a bandage covering her wrist one night, which was very confusing ... That didn't mean Lyssa fell off the face of the Earth. A trip to dinner, treating them to desert, and several attempts to teach the Goddess the magical 'Laptop' happened with varying degrees of success. And of course, Lyssa's half-hearted attempts at nightly cuddles once the Goddess [i]bought[/i] more pillows. Which had come as somewhat of a surprise. Five days after coming to school, Iravis had decreed at a merchant named 'Bed, Bath, & Beyond' that she demanded tribute of five pillows. When they asked if she wanted to put that on credit the Phoenix returned a confused glare. Apparently, the school had decided paying monetary tribute to their resident goddess as a whole was an easier and more equitable than having their local diety wonder from store to store demanding random items from merchants lucky enough to be graced with her divine presence. The tribute totaled five thousand a month, labeled 'Pocket Money'. Iravis was glad it was labeled that because the measly allowance was not worthy of her grace. The only condition on it was that the Phoenix wasn't allowed to leave the Closet without permission from the director himself. She was told of an old friends arrival by someone [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3359015]someone[/url] she had run into, visited the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3357988]the Library[/url] and ran into the Runed One and Sir Wick, and even had a [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3357926]tournament[/url] held in her honor. Aside from that, the Phoenix practiced flying with new intensity. It was an infuriatingly slow process, but it was the only way to improve. When she met Sorcha, she wanted to be at the top of her game to teach that upstart dragon to stop being such a grouch. And maybe to go hunting together like they used to. She continued to attend class and talk to Sir Wick and Mr. Alistar afterwards, trying to learn something more about this world she found herself in. [hr] Iravis and Tancred finally arrived outside the metropolis. After raiding heathens around the countryside, Tancred had decided to arrive to aid in the siege of Antioch. Right now, the pair stood over a hill, viewing the Crusading camp. [color=salmon]"A state of despair before our eyes?"[/color] Before the Phoenix was the picture of poverty. The camps were filthy, supplies were low, and it was quite obvious by the burial ground nearby that some had died to due fighting between the besieged and the besiegers along with more natural causes. [color=green]"A test from God, souls sent to the holy ghost."[/color] Tancred responded, steadfast in his faith. [color=salmon]"Infedels sent shrieking straight to hell?"[/color] Iravis stated, hopeful that the armies intended to liberate her homeland were succeeding. For now, the warrior to her right hadn't realized what the Phoenix really was, but he was fairly sure she wasn't normal. A blessing from god perhaps, the red hair representing the fire of Christ. The Southern Italian spoke with some anger. [color=green]"Many more martyrs than hellbound, I believe."[/color] The pair turned their steeds and forces to the camp, rejoicing at the arrival of the rising warrior and his riders. When they arrived in camp, Tancred of Hautville asked the leaders why they hadn't taken the city by storm yet. The Phoenix waited outside, wondering why they had failed so far. The Crusader returned, fury in his eyes. [color=green]"They say Antioch 'is so well fortified that it need not fear attack by machinery nor the assault of man, even if all mankind came together against it.' I asked what they had done so far. They have blocked the Dog's gate against a sortie, and have built Malregard,"[/color] the nobleman gestured to a pitiful fortress of earth, [color=green]"in order to establish a more permanent siege. I told them they were cowards, hesitant to die in the name of the lord."[/color] Iravis always had to stop herself from laughing at this man. He took his faith very seriously, even insistent that the army bring as few mages as possible because God himself would grant victory to Christ's army, and crush the infidels. Tancred's passionate fire was still ... [i]inspiring[/i] though. The way the Hautevillian fought ... the Goddess thought that perhaps he was right. Taking on ten enemies with only a single retainer was not a challenge for this well seasoned fighter, moving faster and striking harder than most mortals could managed. She wondered. That night the camp decided to celebrate the arrival of a rising legend and his reinforcements. Iravis danced with Tancred again as the musicians' fingers bled. The Goddess [i]convinced[/i] him later that night to hold off his assault until victory was certain, stating that patience was a virtue of the Bible, and the Heavens rewarded those who waited. It would be months until they took the city, but that was time spent with a strong man. As the Phoenix's eyes opened, she saw that the hellion was still asleep, arms wrapped around one of the newly bought pillows, with only a few fingers on the Goddesses thigh as the girl still tried for some form of physical contact. [color=salmon][i]Those were a well purchased investment ... at least she's not holding me down.[/i][/color] After the demon woke up, the pair headed off to hear their hint. [hider=References]In this part I'm referring to the [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Antioch]Siege of Antioch[/url] during the first crusade. The Guardman is named Firouz, and Bohemond later became the Prince of Antioch. Malregard is the name of the fortress the crusaders built outside the city during the siege. [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tancred,_Prince_of_Galilee]Tancred[/url]is of house Hauteville.[/hider]