Logistics Building, Cafeteria. Date and Time – 0910 [i]Agent Dioxide read her reply. He was not sure if he was ready to open up to her yet. It seemed that both wanted fruition from their work and safety for the Anomalies but they just barely diverged in what was important to them: to her, results; to him, freedom. He took a pen and wrote between the lines Agent Caits wrote:[/i] [indent] ‘That’s unfair to say of Subject 29; she has yet to have a thought of safety or freedom for that matter. We’ll get around that soon, somehow. We don’t know that they’re alive or dead. We don’t know for sure what really happened to them and, if I may be frank, we don’t know what will happen to our Subjects. One day they’re with us, the next, they’re gone. We never questioned it. I think that has to stop. We are essentially their caretakers, ridiculous as that sounds. Let’s ask around. Don’t ask Big Boss. See to the Attendants and Supervisors.'[/indent] [i]Agent Dioxide’s phone vibrated: one notification. [/i] [quote= File #31] From: Dr. Baoning To: Agent Dioxide Please escort Subject 29 to the SRB Building. There is no need for anaesthesia now. Her room will be amended back to its original state; no more padding or restraints. [/quote] ‘What the… Hey, I have to go. Talk later,’ and Agent Dioxide left. [hr] [quote= File #33] [center][i]United Nations Anomalies Research Mission[/i][/center] [right]Date and Time: 09/03/2016, 1000[/right] [center][b] Analysis Report – Subject 29(5) [/b][/center] Moving Subject 29 from her cell without restraints and anaesthesia was easier than we thought. There was struggling and shouting, and the guards were still afraid of hurting the Subject even the slightest. However, we had guns and muscle. We have the biggest, meanest-looking guys to scare the girl that scares us the most. Funny. Neuro-imaging showed a similar peculiarity as Subject 30’s. Much of the cerebrum, where our consciousness lies, appears normal, except for the parietal lobe and the pituitary gland. It appears that there is flaring between the two parts, a connection so direct and so powerful it should not anatomically be possible. Furthermore, as exciting as it is, her blood is not normal as well: persistent and unrelenting analysis showed that [u]her DNA contains genes that seem… [i]primeval and ancestral[/i][/u] – a historic gene that no longer is used in modern man, perhaps for a reason. Perhaps the combination of her brain and genetics has caused her to be the way she is today. What is not explained yet… is the glowing. Further research is needed. [/quote] [hr] [quote= File #32] From: Dr. Baoning To: Agent Dioxide; Agent Caits Maintaining the practice with the previous Subjects, you are in charge of maintaining your Subject’s health in all faculties. By now, you two are familiar with the roles that comes with this additional responsibility: [list] [*] Provide exercise regimens fit for their current physical state, and gradually increase intensity [*] Provide recreational activities to relieve stress and tedium. [*] [u] Do not provide them classified information or information of the outside world [/u] [list] You may acknowledge their reason of stay – that they are Anomalies – but you may not disclose their possibility of release or contact of the outside world [/list] [*] [u]Do not get attached to them.[/u] [/list] Given the higher-ups’ orders of you two working together, you may schedule ‘play-time’ with the two Subjects to meet. However, given the delicate situation between the two, I implore you exercise extreme caution. Subject 29 does not know that she is volatile and dangerous. Subject 30 has unforeseen powers we do not yet know or understand. Further information and instruction will be supplied later. [/quote] [hr] Agent Dioxide has yet to have a proper conversation with Subject 29. Gershwin May, an innocent, bright student abducted from her career, future, free, and hope – a destiny so unfair and destructive that will ensure her permanent surveillance and subjecting to no good. Great first impressions. [right]Gershwin came back to her room completely changed. No one ever talked to her or told her what was going on. She completely resigned herself to silence and a survivalist’s wisdom, knowing that her efforts will be in vain for a reason she doesn’t know. Though she appeared unaffected, deep down she was hurt.[/right] [i]Agent Dioxide entered the room and saw Gershwin sitting on her bed, startled by the entrance. He stood opposite her, with no idea what to say.[/i] [right] ‘…Am I entitled to ask questions?’[/right] ‘Yes.’ [right] ‘Why am I here?’[/right] ‘Well… because you’re an Anomaly.’