[h2]Karn || Crocus || Games Stadium[/h2] [@Caits][@Burthstone][@t2wave] Karn simply smirked as her leg was caught, turning her body so her other leg slammed the heel against the man's wrist before flipping backward. Slightly tapping her leg against the ground as she glanced towards Caits. [color=springgreen]"Well you know, just to give a little push to a Guildmate who knows what they're doing. And just to try something out since I'm here."[/color] the blonde answered nonchalantly before tapping her chin thoughtfully. [i] [color=bc8dbf]"Dragon."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Chimera."[/color] [color=aba000]"Legion."[/color] [color=f49ac2]"KITTIES!!!!!!!!!!!."[/color][/i] Ignoring the voices she decided to see if her theory was true. This was probably going to hurt a hell of a lot, but fuck it. But if she was going to do this, it should be as big and painful as possible. So she tried thinking of a appropriate creature that would deform her and rip her human body in pieces. For now, Legion will do. Concentration, she imagined Lizzy and her body started shifting and making snapping sounds and cracking. It shifted as her body started carving into scales, her legs and arms transforming into things bigger then her body and twisting in a agonizing way. A tail that stretched out her spine and horns piercing from her skull. Awkward wings piercing from her back, one overly large, the other awkwardly small. Her body feeling like it was being stretched out, bones getting bigger and too big for the skin. Yup. That was agonizing. Who knew failure in transforming perfectly could hurt like hell. Suppose on the upside, there wasn't actually any outer injuries, no blood or anything. Just feeling like bones were shaping and were incorrectly be putting in the wrong place. Think her arm was backwards. The agonizing pain was constant as her body continued to try and listen and transform, constantly changing and constantly just causing pain because of it. [color=springgreen]"Holy fuck how does he make this look so fucking easy?"[/color] she hissed through gritted fangs. Yup, apparently going for a big creature was painful as well as trying to go for a small creature. Deciding to cut it off for now, she focused back to try and return to normal and the awkward middle transforming body snapped back into the normal human form, feeling like someone just decided to shove and snap everything back in place at once. [color=springgreen]"Fucking ow. Think I'd rather be put into a meat grinder."[/color] Karn muttered as she stood again, getting her balance as she checked that she didn't have any extra limbs or backward appendages or her head wasn't turned around before looking to Grant to see if he at all was effected by it. ____ [h2]Prince || Crocus || Game Stadium[/h2] [@Caits] Prince chuckled in amusement as he watched Penny get ticked off. Feline ears twitching slightly as he watched the contestants brawl. [color=aqua]"Indeed. Suppose it's a good way for her to go all out though."[/color] he said before looking to Michael at the question and glanced toward Karn and Zephyr. [color=aqua]"Mhmm just in case they may go a little too far I suppose."[/color] he answered as he narrowed his eye slightly at the semi transformation. Indeed, he was unsure if Karn could actually keep her mind if she actually fully transformed. Depending what on she could turn into, it could be taken too far similar to Angelo. Just not as conscious about it. Zephyr also liked to go full out, maybe not enough to be absolutely brutal. Hopefully.