so this morning (or long time ago) i had an idea of a The Nameless Tavern Video Game. one these idea's was a dating sim but i found that a bit dull, later i had an idea where it was a fighting game but that one didn't really fit into the lore of The Nameless Tavern or it's character and i kind of gave up on it when i thought this RP was dead. But this morning i had idea after having watched a video of what crowdfunded games where planned to come out this year. and i suddenly had an idea for A Nameless Tavern Dungeon Crawler, and our character's are selectable party members of a new worker (Perhaps a Janitor) whose heavily in-debt with the tavern. due to them having broken some priceless artifact of sorts (am thinking it being what allows the tavern to repair itself and exist in multiple dimensions simultaneous) and now they have to repay their debt by traveling to different universes and collect treasure. [@Dark Light]suggestion In the tavern is a msg board, asking for the retrieval of some odd items conveniently located uniquely (and coincidently) within each realm of each different character. They are important to the owner, (he might lie about the reason for them or there could be some deception or other parties along the way.) But nonetheless as you collect more you realise their significance and growing power. But once the items are collected he turns villain forcing the hero's to use it against him. In the end he uses them to try kill himself, because like everything in the tavern, he too repairs with it. He just wanted it to end. Upon his failings the item you gathered and created is taken and a true enemy emerges. The power of the tavern is fragmented, you travel it's connecting worlds again (this time through time) learning of the enemy, the tavern and the owner as you chase to retrieve the threat you created. Some timey whimey stuff happens, Circle of life All for a reason Last Boss fight... Or is it? But that's an overall driving plot that I was slowly trying to introduce here, within each world there is another story built around retrieving the item I can see the party members interacting much like they would in Mass Effect or Fire Emblem with the character's interactions developing as the game progresses As i see it, the starting members would be Andre, Clayton, Gruff and Cash as these are characters that seem to be the adventures archetypes except for Cash. i think he would become an automatic party member if the player decides to enter his universe first ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Tavern itself would act as a hub-world or a base. it's were you could go to get yourself healed and buy some health items from Snarfulblast before traveling to a universe. Worlds include Cash's universe which is A Zombie Apocalypse: in this universe you're most likely trying to find any sort of valuable that can be scavenged from places such as museums, banks and other such places that are of no importance in a Zombie apocalypse, you're enemies are zombies (of course) other survivors and religious zealots who worship zombies. i like to think this world be one of the starting worlds as there would be very little side plot in this world (The only side plot i can think of for this world is that if you bring Allan, he will convert survivors and a few zealots to the Golden pigeon) [@spacecakes] Ira's Universe is A futuristic government controlled dystopia that would be mixture of 1984 and Half-Life 2 due this worlds inclusion of Alien Life: Much like Cash's universe you're looking for valuables but unlike Cash's Universe this world is filled with side plot such as you and you're party members are assisting the rebel forces [@GingerBoi123] Junker's Universe. ever heard of or played Guns of Icarus well think of it like that but a lot less apocalypsey and a hint of 'Sir, You Are Being Hunted' Robot's everywhere and there after you in airships, it's a world of Gents vs. Robot Gents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- we need to contact the players of the east market