[centre] [h3] [color=0072bc]Josh Mansfeild[/color][/h3] [hider=Josh] [img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/57aa20d1174182d53cdec340819df319/tumblr_n8405plpzR1rf2csvo1_400.gif[/img] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/02052127ade9a51d2c0d2037870ec6db/tumblr_mknsbvUrHI1qcmnsuo1_500.gif[/img] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lnku8iuay21qilqfeo1_500.gif[/img] [/hider] The sounds of the infected throwing themselves against the door was getting louder and louder, but thankfully the desk just in front of the door was holding them at bay for more. They seemed to be quite smart most of the time, and he knew that soon they would start to find other ways in. They would start to separate and break windows to get to him, or climb up the fire escapes on the rear side of the building. Or if he was lucky, some idiot would fire a gun or drive a car and distract them almost straight away. That was a weakness as well as a strength for them, they were attracted to sound. Josh turned, pushed the desk more firmly against the door and made sure it was still in place before he turned around to walk away from it. He was in a lobby, there was a restaurant to his right and a hallway to his left. Maybe the restaurant would have food? And surely an exit. He turned right and went off into the restaurant, it was big and filled with tables. There was a bar on the left half of the room and behind the bar was a kitchen. The rest of the room was just circle tables and booths, all covered with blood stained white cloth. This once must have been a very nice hotel, maybe for the rich or something like that. Josh carried on walking, he reached to his side and pulled out his axe again, holding it to his side so he was ready for anything. He couldn't imagine somebody would be able to sneak up to him in here, infected or not. The room was huge, and open. The walls on the right side opposite the bar and directly in front of him were made of glass and looked out upon the streets. He looked over them, looking for some kind of exit. He saw a fire exit and muttered a [i]yes![/i] Under his breath. Josh ran towards the fire exit and just as he got there, he heard a loud smash. They had gotten through the door. Before any infected could sniff him out, he quickly pushed the door open and sprinted away, along the sidewalk and down an alley on his left. He didn't stop running until he was sure he wasn't being chased, when he stopped and leant against the wall in the middle of the alley. So far, today had been very unsuccessful. [h3] [color=662d91]Zoey Mansfield [/color][/h3] [hider=Zoey] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/victoria-justice/images/5/5f/Victoria_justice_gif_by_wouldyaseemesolouder-d5b2xi4.gif/revision/latest?cb=20130503185712[/img] [img]http://media.giphy.com/media/kXjx1IhgJRIwE/giphy.gif[/img] [img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0hwa63kjq1r8dsxw.gif[/img] [/hider] Zoey had been just walking down the side of the road when somebody came running out of the alley ahead of her. She stopped for a moment, oddly calm as she reached for her machete. She gripped the handle and then pulled it out, holding it too her side before she looked over her shoulder at the boat that was floating away in the opposite direction. If that man didn't die of starvation, he would be killed by the infected. He was making enough noise, anyway. She looked back ahead of her as the man slowed to a jog. He looked to be in an army uniform and he had a gun. This didn't put her off much, though. She had a gun, and if necessary she could use it. Although she didn't like to use it, because the infected were drawn to the sounds of gunshots like flies to shit. She tightened her grip on her machete, made sure her pack was over her shoulders properly and then she started jogging herself. It took 30 seconds for her to get too a reasonably close distance. She was about 30 metres behind him when she shouted out too him, [color=662d91]"Hello Army man!"[/color] She hoped that would get his attention. She stopped jogging and stood still, in hope that he would do the same and turn to her to speak. [color=662d91]"Lovely day, isn't it?"[/color] She smiled as she looked at him, her thick British accent still strong in her speech. [/centre]