[center][color=ed145b][i]~"If memories were all we needed to build a bridge, then surely there would be enough to bring our hearts together..."~[/i][/color] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/narutoprofile/images/9/97/Anime_girl_with_red_hair_by_angel24601-d7q5fkh.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140822070617[/img] [i]Ladies and Gentlemen, for the very first time, here she is, Miss...[/i] [color=ed145b][h1][i]~Daniella Reindheart~[/i][/h1][/color] [i][color=ed145b]*sigh* ~"Showtime..."~[/color][/i] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/b7207ebf0847f411a7a5ba63b1227906/tumblr_inline_n9wrb23r261r5u8ti.jpg[/img] [b][i][u][h3]~Age~[/h3][/u][/i][/b] 18 [b][i][u][h3]~Gender~[/h3][/u][/i][/b] Female [b][i][u][h3]~Job/Occupation~[/h3][/u][/i][/b] Singer [color=ed145b][i]~"Hello darlings. Did you miss me?"~[/i][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/K3weqNW.png[/img] [b][i][u][h3]~Personality~[/h3][/u][/i][/b] With a voice that could charm and intoxicate the very soul, Daniella knew from the start she was meant to be a singer. Charming and elegant, a very noble attitude, she could woo you with just a few simple words or with just a look of her eyes. She is very soft spoken, cares for others, and does what's necessary to help those in need. And, she doesn't believe herself to be above anybody, even the metalhearts, like her bigoted father. Aside from singing, she also loves to play piano and violin. However, despite her cheerful and vivacious demeanor...it is merely a cracked mask that hides the real Daniella, a young woman who is nothing but broken on the inside and struggling to let go of the past. [b][i][u][h3]~Biography~[/h3][/u][/i][/b] [color=ed145b][i]"Love....finding it is not the difficult part as some would perhaps say. It's letting go..."[/i][/color] [img]http://img11.deviantart.net/9afe/i/2015/217/6/a/red_transistor__first_version__by_razaras-d94b07v.jpg[/img] Twas thanks to her mother that she was raised in an environment steeped in music and the performing arts. A theater actress and a singer alike, Lucille Reindheart was a cherished face among the city, a beautiful smile and even more beautiful voice to boot. Who would have known that very voice would charm one of the richest men in the aristocracy, Magnus Carthenwald, a railroad baron who owned several major rail lines and shipping magnates. Twas love at first sight, or rather, first song for the two, and soon they were married, years later Lucille giving birth to their beautiful daughter, Daniella. Lucille, she knew one day her daughter would be like her, adored and talented. However, she feared the repercussions, should she be wrong and her daughter end up a metalheart....the very thing her husband Magnus despised. The girl grew throughout the years, and so too did her talent. She was not raised as a normal aristocratic child, having little time for friends, for playtime, for anything, only the constant practice her mother put her through, singing, learning instruments, how to present one's self upon the stage in the incandescent glow of the spotlight. She was going to be a singer come Hell or high water. Soon, she was of age, and off to the academy she was, where...she had met someone. His name, Maxwell Taylor, a charming name she thought, perfect to match that charming face of his. Like her, he too was born to a wealthy family and surely he was destined to follow in his family's footsteps. Even so, Daniella would have followed him to the ends of the earth. She adored young Maxwell from afar, but...unable was she to confess her feelings for the boy. Then came the day of graduation. Just as predicted, the machine announced Daniella, age 16 at the time, as a singer. Her mother and father couldn't have been any more proud of her, but...Daniella's celebration was short lived. It was Maxwell's turn. The machine, never had it acted so austere before, so strange. The screen blacked out for a moment or so, the tension so thick it was like smog choking the lungs of Daniella, robbing her of her very life-breath. Then...there it was....that terrible...terrible word, [i]Metalheart.[/i] Daniella...it was as if indeed she was asphyxiated, along with a sharp, serrated dagger carving into her heart. Not a sound she uttered...only the silence...the painful silence of tears streaming down her cheeks. Maxwell's fate had been set, forever would he be despised, loathed, and spat upon by the aristocracy....and forever...would he be separated from Daniella... She, a famous singer, loved and adored by the city, she could have nothing to do with him, a metalheart. And so reluctantly and begrudgingly....she was forced to forsake Maxwell and every feeling she held for the boy...but...she would later find out that when love is found....it is hard [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCkwAgTcDBw]to forget...[/url] [b][i][u][h3]~Other~[/h3][/u][/i][/b] Her mother has long since past away due to complications from a rare disease. Her father still continues to run his businesses and is looking more towards political aspirations. He knows well of his daughter's affections for a metalheart, and often reprimands her because of it, causing Daniella to harbor anger towards her father. [color=ec008c][i]"It's over... Time for the curtain to close...and everything to end..."[/i][/color] [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/--aRJutXE1DA/U4dYnIAF3kI/AAAAAAAAB5I/U1N90hFEh_Y/s1600/transistor.png[/img] [/center]