Brenner nodded slowly. "I hope I was doing well. Very well. Truth is I can't fly with this cloak." He unclasped his cloak, from what looked like a strange eyeball-shaped clasp, but it was a real eye. [i][colour=Cyan]"Hands off the eye, doc! Hands off!"[/colour][/i] Whispered Aggamoto in his head. He dropped the cloak to the ground and tried to lift off. "See? Nothing. I'm still learning to use to cloak though." He picked it up and was about to re-clasp the cloak around he when he held it out to Tryla. "Care for a ride? Not as cool as your dad's spaceship though, so you'll have to take me for a ride when you get your own. Spaceship, I mean." [@Framing A Moose]