Quote: "People are the worst. I'm the best example." Name: Viola Galloway Age: 24 Species: Human Blood%: N/A Gender: Female Sex Preference: Heterosexual Height: 5'10" Weight: 180 Physical appearance: [img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR_VVPjXF-EEBypPw6zHn71FIXCzaWvHav9eSinbgxgxKBvP2S7[/img] Apparel: She always wears a jacket of some sort, jeans, brown lace up boots, and usually keeps her hair up. Wardrobe wise, has a preference for dark blue, brown, and dark/muted colors. Vehicle: N/A Personality: Fairly cynical with a dry sense of humor, Viola is skeptical, and has absolutely no loyalty. She is calm and chooses her words carefully, and lies infrequently, but tells the truth just as often. Occupation: Mercenary/Freelancer Faction: N/A Pet: N/A Adv. App.: N/A Exp: From her time with the group (A small local mafia) she learn how to use firearms, self-defense, basic use of knives, how to move without being seen, espionage, and other similar skills. Spells: - Time Step- A complicated spell that allows the user to change their opponents' time, slowing them down, making her appear faster. - Light Step- Allows the user to walk on a thin sheet of air that acts as a solid surface, making no noise or create a small breeze to aid movement. Abilities/Powers: N/A Hindrances: Because of her backstory, she has an issue with people leaving her, so she always leaves first, before they can. Being human is also a huge problem, along with having little to no knowledge of what is going on, since the agency told her very little, but offered a lot. Unknown Weaknesses: Being a Starseed, with the huge risk of falling into a coma, due to the vast number of lives she's had. Along with her skepticism, she can't take good intentions at face value. Everything is give and take for her. Weapons: Julie- an AF2011A1 pistol that Viola always keeps in her jacket. History: Viola was born into a well-to-do family, her father a prominent businessman, mother a model, two older brothers and one younger brother. When she was 9, her family disappeared during the night. She managed to pretend nothing was wrong for two weeks until the police showed up. They started asking questions and it became clear that her father was involved in illegal dealings, made many people angry, and ran, taking the family. Why they left her behind is unclear. As a consequence, Viola was kidnapped by one of these angry groups, hoping to get her father. Time passed with no attempts of rescue, legal or otherwise. In time, the group sent her to run errands, give messages, etc. She trained with them with firearms and basic self-defense. The jobs became more dangerous, and by the time she was 16, she was getting offers from other groups and organizations. At 18, she went freelance, taking jobs from anyone that ranged from deliveries (read: smuggling), to kidnappings, etc. Viola's goal is to find her family again and just ask them why they left her behind. When she was 19, she met a 22 year old man at a Starbuck, and 1 year later they started a romantic relationship. He is uncomfortable with what she does, but as a upcoming politician, he doesn't have much room to talk. As of the rp, they are still steady going. Trivia: -She loves doing the crossword, and other word games, but hides it since it an 'old person hobby' -Her boyfriend is the one who gave her Julie