[@The book of bad juju] I'm probably reading this wrong, but technically the two types of familiar are very different, in my eyes at least. [hider=The way I see things.] The first type being the familiars created by the Witch as a part of their labyrinth (Sebastian, Holger). These are the familiars that exist solely within a Labyrinth to protect it, and won't split off when the Witch grows. The second types are the roaming familiars, which split off from the Witches own essence after it becomes more and more powerful, eventually dividing the power to keep itself stable (outweighing its ToF). These familiars will eventually become Witches after consuming enough people, and can distort the space around them to LOOK like a Labyrinth, without actually being one. [/hider] Hope that doesn't sound stupid xD Also... [center][h1]400[/h1][/center]