[centre][b][colour=0076a3][h3]Valence Vaillant[/h3][/colour] [u]Port District[/u][/b][/centre][hr] Almost every day in Ginmura was packed with some amount of action. Today was no exception. Despite there already being an attack on the beach by a monstrous crocodile, there was also an assault occurring in the harbour, which wasn't [i]too[/i] far away from the beach, but was still quite a long trek regardless. From the ocean, there was a large amount of frothing and bubbling. It started of quite small, and unnoticeable, but as the bubbling grew, the nearby dockworkers noticed and called others to witness the curious spectacle. By this time, the bubbling had become particularly intense, and it had already becoming extremely worrying, under the assumption that it was a monster attack, the dockworkers began to flee the scene to safety, and as soon as the bubbling had started, it just suddenly stopped. There was a brief moment of joint relief. Then [i]he[/i] arrived. The previously-bubbling location shot out a large geyser, the torrent of water shooting up a large metallic figure into the air, which came crashing down back into the water. This metallic figure wasn't a monster, nor was it a robot. It sure looked like one though. It was in fact, a submarine. It was around 120 metres, coloured silver and modelled to resemble a shark. As the submarine approached the docks, the workers become wary once more. [b]“What [i]is[/i] that?” “Is it a monster?” “That paint job is terrible.”[/b] [b][colour=0076a3]“WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT THE PAINT JOB?!”[/colour][/b] The “mouth” of the submarine shark opened, revealing a blue-haired teenager who stepped onto the port. He was clearly angry about what that one dock worker had said about the paint job of the submarine, but the boy quickly regained his composure for the sake of addressing the people at the port. [b][colour=0076a3]“Ahem… Afternoon, [i]stupid[/i] citizens!”[/colour] [/b] This boy was Valence; the hot-headed genius inventor and B-Class villain. Among the various villains that plagued the progressive city of Ginmura, Valence was one of the most notable. Most heroes (and civilians) “knew” Valence to some degree, some would have heard of him once or twice from random conversations, while others would have actually faced (and probably stopped) him and his plans in the past. Many villains too were aware of Valence’s existence and vice versa, although Valence wasn't familiar with most of the villains that were active as of this moment. The dockworkers didn't respond to Valence’s greeting. They simply stared in bewilderment. [b][colour=0076a3]“Tough crowd. Anyway, I'm sure you’re all wondering why I'm here, [i]right[/i]?”[/colour][/b] There was no response. Valence continued with his monologue anyway. [b][colour=0076a3]“I'm running low on supplies. I can’t make weapons or robots of [i]mass destruction[/i] without supplies.”[/colour][/b] With that, Valence motioned towards the various warehouses that were dotted around the port. [b][colour=0076a3]“Surrender your materials! Or don’t—I’ll take them anyway.”[/colour][/b] Valence pulled out from his pocket what looked to be a wristwatch—except it lacked the traditional features of one. This was the “Universal Manipulator™.” Despite the name, the Universal Manipulator™ was really just a controller that Valence used to command his machinery most of the time; normally the robots. The Universal Manipulator™ only actually had like, one large button that glowed in a blue hue. This button was more of a touchpad, honestly; that explained why it was able to manipulate more than one machine. It’s way better if you don’t question it, honestly. Valence strapped the Universal Manipulator™ around his wrist, and pressed the [s]button[/s] [i]touchpad[/i]. As he did this, audible clangs and whirrs could be heard from within the submarine shark. Several robots began to well out of the “mouth” of the submarine. The robots were Valence’s typical fighting force, [url=http://i.imgur.com/XmYN8KV.png]modelled after knights[/url] and wielding energy-based weapons such as lances, swords and axes. There were six of these “footsoldier” robots in total. At this point, the dockworkers had began to flee (finally), prompting Valence to begin his operation. [b][colour=0076a3]“Take as much as you can and load it into the submarine.”[/colour][/b] With that command, the footsoldier bots began to break into the warehouses, gradually bringing out and opening the various crates within. He wanted this to be finished quickly; the danger class announcement would sound soon. The young inventor looked over to the rest of the city and sighed. [b][colour=0076a3]“Preferably before those [i]idiot heroes[/i] arrive..”[/colour][/b]