[quote=@Bainshie] Unless I'm wrong, I think this is the first official voyage of the Exeralune, before they go off on adventures, meaning nobody could have died yet. Having said that, ragged bunch of misfits with exceptional abilities kinda explains why your character would have been picked :D [/quote] Unless they died in a routine landing on Scree's planet or had a random heart attack from eating sweats, but that would just be crazy. XD Indeed, most of the characters are from places the UNT isn't entirely fond of such as the GAN empire, the evil clone race thingies, etc. The Nimin is one of the few characters that people would find normal. Androids and cyborgs especially are not always trusted. The Madronean would be normal enough, as they are on neutral terms with each other and they look like normal humans found in the UNT anyways. Speaking of Madronean, the business why they are all female amazons may have to be changed by something someone mentioned where if it's the y chromosome's fault, it would have been bred out because there are plenty of human males from other races without a problem in the y chromosome. It would have to be cultural why they don't take advantage of this or why it's all female in the first place, or a different genetic quirk. [quote=@Simple Unicycle] [@Bainshie] Thanks for the feedback, this really helps. [/quote] I accept the character (assuming the edits are made). [quote=@Caits] I...I don't know what to post... ... I'm not sure if I know whats going on. [/quote] An enemy ship intercepted our flight path and sent four fighters with a boarding ship to take us on. We are preparing for their advance.