[center][h3][i][color=a187be]~Meruin Hazy~[/color][/i][/h3] 1 Week Later[/center] [@RabidAnubis] & [@Rune_Alchemist] Meruin traced the glossy surface of the bow with a single, delicate finger. Even someone such as her, who had no use or interest in the art of the bow, had to admit that it was truly a thing of beauty. It was almost enough to make her want to reconsider giving it to Iravis. [i]Almost.[/i] A pure silver bow wider than her entire wingspan, with a simple sleek design that accentuated the beautiful carvings of the forest along its surface. It hummed with a silent power, and was glowing with a faint white sheen of power. From her magic awareness, she could tell the spirits of nature in a wide radius were going wild. It was no surprise; an object like this, so sacred and revered of one of the most prominent goddesses of nature would undoubtedly arouse their excitement. The small mage nearly giggled. With this, not only had she proven - to no one but herself really - that she was truly a genius, but she was also now one step closer to gathering all the necessary components for her experimental ritual. She really had to thank Iravis - and Lyssa too, now that she thought about it - thanks to her, she had proven one theory of hers correct, and had also managed to gain valuable data for future use. Really, the amount of useful information she had obtained from this one venture alone was almost equal in worth to the blood she was going to be getting from Iravis. [i]Almost[/i] equal, anyway. Then there was the quiver. Much, much easier to obtain than the bow, though undeniably just as interesting. For one, it never seemed to run out of arrows, and there was always one ready when she called out for it. [color=a187be]"Ugh,"[/color] Meruin choked back a wave of nausea. Her body had yet to completely recover for the moment, and probably would not for a few months. She couldn't even ask Rollanda to heal her for this; even if she did, the price she paid to summon the spirits necessary to call upon the bow would simply exact itself on her once again. Not that she minded terribly - it [i]was[/i] the price she had agreed to. She was at least ready to sacrifice this much. Another wave hit her and this time Meruin could do little to hold it back. Lifting her hands to her mouth on reflex, Meruin began coughing violently. Drawing her hand back, she saw her arm coated in dark red liquid. [color=a187be]"Uuuuurgh,"[/color] releasing a low moan, the small mage took a vial out from her cabinet filled with a dull yellow liquid and downed it in one gulp. After she gave the bow and quiver to Iravis and got her blood, she was [i]definitely[/i] sleeping for the next few days. So Meruin began dragging herself out of her room, looking for the flame-headed firebird. She had to stop several times to stop the bleeding coming from her eyes, ears and lungs, but somehow, she made it to the classrooms. [i]Hopefully[/i] Iravis was here for her lessons, because Meruin was getting irritated from her vision seeing double at this point. Despite her less-than ideal state of health, there was something Meruin did notice. When Meruin passed by the cafeteria, the bow slung over her back seemed to resonate in some way. How strange . . .