I am looking for people to help me create a strong and enjoyable Roleplay based on the Marvel Universe. I've been mulling over the idea of a Marvel Universe where Heroes never existed, every character we know and love is evil in some way, shape or form. They're all selfish, they're all focused on their own desires and not one of them even consider helping anyone else unless it benefits them. There is no selflessness, no courage, no humility and certainly no sense of responsibility or consideration for one's own actions. Until we come. We will play as the first generation of Heroes, Super or not. We will face the odds and battle the never-ending forces of evil in their various forms. I need competent, mature and creative people who will help me build upon this idea. At most I'd want 5-6 people. I don't mind if interest exceeds those numbers but if that's the case everyone should know there will be some sort of application system and I will be limiting how many people get accepted. I have a couple ideas already bouncing around in my head but for right now I just want to see how much attention this gets before we move ahead. So who is interested?