[center][u][b]Market District[/b][/u][/center] It was hard to keep focused on a lot of things, thinking about the opportunity that she'd missed out on. And... well, at least she wasn't focused on all the people starting at her... Reika's eyes were rather downcast, even as she approached Meiko Mart. Of course, she was moving rather quickly given her hoverskates, and fast movement combined with not looking where you were going was generally a recipe for disaster. Reika let out a yelp as she collided with... something, her hoverskates keeping her upright even as she almost fell over onto her rear. Forcing her legs back into cooperation, and ensuring she was stable after a few moments, the dark redheaded girl looked up to see what she'd bumped into. Or rather, who. It was another girl, one she definitely didn't know. Short, grey-ish hair, blue eyes... frantically, Reika made to apologize. "I-I'm s-sorry! I d-didn't... I w-wasn't... i-it's my fault I'm s-sorry..." Reika trailed off after a few moments, looking down and away. It was embarrassing... and it really was all her fault. She hadn't been watching where she was going, and she'd knocked right into the other girl like that. She hoped she hadn't somehow hurt her, at least... that would be terrible. She was supposed to be a hero, even if she wasn't doing anything heroic right now. Reika didn't want to hurt some random person... it was really, really wrong if she did! "... A-are you okay?" [hr] [center][u][b]The Beach[/b][/u][/center] Just as CrocoKill was about to swipe one clawed hand down and shred the schoolgirl to ribbons, something struck it in the back. With a snarl, it whipped around, fanged maw dripping saliva. The braided schoolgirl took this opportunity to stumble to her feet and run into the waiting arms of her parents, who quickly fled. "Raagh... are you a hero...?" it cocked its head to the side, eyeing the armored figure with some level of confusion amidst its rage. "I didn't know that humans came with exoskeletons... do you taste like crab under there? Rrrgg... let's find out!" The humanoid crocodilian creature lunged forward with a roar. Of course, it had never seen power armor before. It simply assumed that humans came in forms with shells, now. [hr] [center][u][b]Port District[/b][/u][/center] There were people in danger at the port... The blonde girl took a deep breath. Of course, technically she didn't need to breath. But it had been a design feature, in order to make her as human as possible, among many others. There were people in danger at the port! And at the beach, but she was closer to the port... And besides, she was certain plenty of heroes would show up to help out! Even if this was a B-Class villain by the reports... that didn't matter. Even if she was a D-Class Hero, she had to do her best no matter what! "Machine Doll... ARMOR ON!" There was a flash of light and sound. Kiko's clothing seemed to shred apart. Thankfully, light was quick to obscure the possibility of exposure, and her combat bodysuit swiftly formed over her frame. Then it was followed, piece by piece, by armor and weaponry. An enormous shield, an energy blade, plating on her arms and legs, boosters to allow her to fly... it clamped into place over her form. Kiko took another breath as the light faded, displaying her in full combat mode. In the middle of a busy street. Needless to say, the civilians around her were rather surprised. But Kiko rocketed into the air without pause! The wind whipped against her synthetic skin, carrying her hair, as she tore through the sky as fast as she could. Sure, skill-wise she was only D-Class... but a lot of heroes started out that low, or even lower! She had to carry out justice, to help people and keep anyone from being hurt! That was what being a hero meant! It wasn't long before the port came into view. And... there were... robot knights? Robot knights! But they weren't the kind of robot Kiko and her "big sister" were... "Haaah!" With a shout, she zoomed down as fast as she could. Her energy blade crackled blue from its base and flashed, slicing one of the robots in two. She was D-Class... but she could do this! She was a hero! "... Stealing..." she began, raising one hand to point squarely at the perpetrator, a boy on some terribly-painted submarine, "... is wrong!"