"Judge, please... you know me. We went out and killed that Lead&Whiskey gang together, remember? Remember that Judge? You want to leave Lily a widow over an accident? Judge! I was [i]drunk[/i] Judge! [i][b]Beauregard[/b][/i]! I- I didn't mean to do it, [b]please[/b]!" The man standing at the gallows was in hysterics at that point, tears flowing freely down his face. Indeed, Judge did remember the John Ford, remember Lily. They had been his friends all these years since John joined his posse that began his career. A career that sadly brought them to this current situation. His eyes coldly swept over his old friend, and then over the crowd. His shouting had begun to stir a couple of them, making them question whether what they were doing was right. Judge had no such questions. Justice was above friendship, keeping the town from chaos was above friendship. Above allowing a drunk man to murder another for insulting his wife. If John had killed once while taken by drink, who was to say he could control himself next time after going free? No. There would be no mercy this day. Slowly, Judge raised his hand to silence the crowd, and his old friend's sobbing. "[color=FFBF00]This is the result of drink. Men lose control of themselves, and become beasts. A bullet for an insult is not justice, and I will not tolerate murder within the town of Thrivenshell. John Ford is a man I have held great respect for throughout my life, but his crimes are that of a common animal. For that, he shall receive the gallows, not the sword.[/color]" A young deputy, William, stepped behind John and put a black hood over his head before the man could begin protesting once more. Lily let out a final wail before collapsing, and the deputy checked the noose before giving Judge a nod. It was time. "[color=FFBF00]Because I hold such respect for John, I have made sure the rope is long enough to make his death quick. Those of you who are his friends can be assured he will not suffer. For the peace of Thrivenshell, I sentence death upon John Ford. May this serve as a warning against drink, and beastly instincts.[/color]" When he spoke the final words, the floor fell open beneath his old friend, and a sickening snap echoed out across the small crowd. The body would remain there for a day, before being taken down for a proper burial. Judge would pay for the service himself, being set in his duty did not make him a monster. Not that he suspected Lily would forgive him regardless. He turned away from the site earlier than usual, the Baron would be speaking soon, and it was customary for Judge to accompany the man. He could suspect what this was going to be about, the people weren't stupid and rumours had been spreading already about the lack of resources. Prices had already began to rise across the board in town, the bullet John had wasted the night before was easily worth a meal at this point. Rounding another corner, he spotted the Baron and his entourage. He gave a nod of greeting before falling in next to the man. "[color=FFBF00]John Ford was hanged today, an old friend and a shame. Drink overtook him and murder resulted, I would caution again against letting the stuff be sold.[/color]"