Toshiro was asleep dreaming about what he would do today. He was dreaming of standing on top of a building looking out onto the world on a sunny day. A smile on his face he would hear a scream. He looks out on to the streets to see a woman yelling for help as a masked man was running with what he presumed was her purse. He leaped into action. Using his powers he lowered his own weight to fall safely to the ground. He started running towards the perp. He leaped over the thief and landed in front of him, the thief stopped in his tracks and with look of ear in his eyes he ran the other way. Toshiro was not going to let him go easily and reared back his fast and punched the thief knocking him to the floor. He takes the purse back the young lady and she thanks him for his bravery. She goes to kiss him when... His alarm clock went off, he got out of bed to start his day. He began his patrol of the city. he walked around the city for a bit on patrol for any crime he may come across. He helped an old lady cross the street. and get a cat out of a tree, which was nice but he did not find horribly interesting. he was walking through the beach when0 suddenly he sees what looks like a crocodile man comes out of the water from a distance. The crocodile man turned his attention to a to a school girl. When suddenly a man in armor shot the crocodile man in his back with what looked like a laser beam shouting something alone the lines of "Oi! Get your buggering little claws off her you bloody monster!". Radical X had no time to loose, He shifted his weight and lunged for the girl grabbing her in mid jump to put distance between the crocodile man and the school girl. He placed her safely at a distance from the scene when an announcement was made "All civilians, please be aware there is a Downpour-Class threat currently active in the Beach District. Heroes are en route." He was excited, this would be the first time he fought a Downpour-class villain. He could feel his blood rush his heart beat was racing. This was going to be fun.