[@sassy1085] [color=6ecff6]"Now!"[/color] Just as her weapon was disarmed, Tohru made her move towards Yuki, screaming in anger towards Rin. In one swift blow to the face from the pommel of her sword, down went the assassin hard, the force shattering her porcelain mask into several pieces. [color=f49ac2]"Gyah! Kaname...sama!"[/color] After a painful yelp Yuki whimpered, her frail body crashing to the ground. [color=f49ac2]"Forgive...me..."[/color] And out cold she was. The battle was over, yet...Tohru was certain this would not be the last. Just as she figured, there it was attached to Yuki's sword, the same black rose keychain, which she snatched from Yuki and clenched tight in her fist. [color=6ecff6][i]This isn't over. Black Knight, whoever you are, I will find you....for Chizuru-chan.[/i][/color] With cold, empty eyes she stood over the unconscious body of the assassin before glancing over her shoulder at Rin, [color=6ecff6]"It's alright. She isn't dead. I refuse to spill blood unless there is just cause."[/color]