[@deanmachin] The fight with the 'Mighty CorocoKill' was not failing to entertain. Some hero in a suit showed up before the monster could do anything, boring. Then some loser appeared and is also trying to fight. Irene sighed as she watched the combat. Then some flashed in the distance caught her attention and an alert popped up to a new threat on the docks. Further reports showed that there were plenty of weak Heros engaging these threats. It was now time to toy with the weakest, who was now saving that girl [i]even further[/i]. She drew her blades and began to approach the Amateur hero. She alerted him with a mental shout to get his attention. A little girl then ran up to her, [color=f6989d]"Are you here to save us?"[/color] she said in her young, hopeful voice. Clearly mistaking her for a Hero; Irene crouched down and laughed through the helmet. [color=f7941d]"No no, I am a Super Criminal. and I intend to save humanity by destroying the weak..."[/color] She looked over at the one she wished to fight. [color=f7941d]"He will be first... now leave before you have to see it."[/color] Her voice was cheerful with anticipation of a fight. Irene walked closer to the battle, adrenaline starting to flow. [color=f7941d]"HEY YOU!"[/color] She called out as her swords readied, at her side and out stretched. [color=f7941d]"FIGHT ME AND PROVE YOUR HERO STATUS!"[/color] The attempt to manipulate the other in to combat was coupled by a taunting dance. The plan was simple: be attacked first, frighten, then crush. This was mostly a wish of grandeur, as she had never actually killed a hero.