[@VitaVitaAR] [center][h3][color=fff200]-Ellis Newman-[/color][/h3] [b][u]The Beach[/u][/b][/center] [i]"Raagh... are you a hero...?"[/i] the creature cocked its head to the side, eyeing the armored figure with some level of confusion amidst its rage. [color=fff200]"What do you think mate? Your statin' the obvious here!"[/color] Ellis would answer back in a slightly annoyed fashion. Surely this creature was relying on animal instincts rather then intelligence. "I didn't know that humans came with exoskeletons... do you taste like crab under there? Rrrgg... let's find out!" It was then when the crocodillian creature unleashes a mighty roar and comes in for a lunge. [color=fff200]"Alright."[/color] Ellis will say under his breath, [color=fff200]"One arse kicking it is then."[/color] He then runs towards the mighty beast as well, taking huge steps to match the speed Crocokill was going at. As soon as he was in range, the mech jumps up with a mighty leap, raising its right arm in for a punch made of hard metal and determination. As soon as he was just about to land, he sets his punch onto the monster's face, hoping to at most stun him as he pulls out the heavy artillery in his arsenal. More heroes should also be arriving on screen, so they can detain or kill the monster. [hr] [@Infichi] [center][h3][color=ed1c24]-Radon Yazama-[/color][/h3] [b][u]Abandoned Ginmura Neighborhood - South Region[/u][/b][/center] [i][b]“Arraaaa!!! COME ON OUT YOU JERKS!”[/b][/i] Radon's sensitive hearing suddenly happens to detect what appears to be a panicked person. An intruder? No, not just an intruder. It couldn't have been just a stray-away boy. He observes outside the window, trying to find a glimpse of the person who so foolishly wandered in. He then finds someone two blocks away, coming out of an alleyway it seems, and happens to be wearing... a bunny mask. Yup, this was one of those foolish heroes. By the way he reacted, he must be an E-Ranked hero at least, or in some other low-ranked position. From where he's going, he's heading straight for his local residence. It was also just then wear he seems to have spotted something that caught his interest and runs towards the opposite side of the block. Whoever this person is, he seems to be a low-lined threat, but one can never be so sure what these heroes can do these days. Radon then casually yet sneakily walks outside the house and begins to head towards the back of his residence. Using what appears to be strong gripping... hands? No, those look certainly like claws. With strong gripping claws, the person quickly gets on top of the building and leaps stealthily across house to house, wondering what the hero is doing here, until realizing some other shady business is also taking place here. Were they drug dealers? If so, he has no care of them and their selfish desires to get high. As long as they don't get too close, he'll let them go...