[i]"Miss Reindheart, five minutes till showtime."[/i] The kindly stage manager chimed in as she sat vacant expression at her lavish vanity, the hot glow of the light, such a feeling she couldn't bear for much longer. A brief but courteous nod she gave, resuming the application of her makeup, ugh...so thick and so gaudy. Is this really what she aspired to those past years long gone? Is this really...what made her happy? She sighed, setting down the makeup brush, one last look into the mirror, but no, not towards her reflection, the flawed porcelain mask riddled with cracks and pocks. Her gaze was languid and longing towards...a photograph, slightly torn at the edges and crumpled a tad. But despite its not so well-off condition, still the image she deeply cherished, or rather...who the image encompassed. A boy....short auburn hair and a face lit by a dazzling, charismatic smile. His fate was chosen...and so was hers... [color=ed145b][i]~"Fate....is it of our choosing...or of another? My dear Maxwell....where are you?"~[/i][/color] [center]----------------------------------------[h3][i]~Two Years Ago~[/i][/h3]-------------------------------------------------[/center] [color=ed145b]~"Ave Maria, gratia plena. Maria, gratia plena-"~[/color] [color=f49ac2]~"No, no, no."~[/color] Perturbed her mother sighed shaking her head in displeasure, always one to nag constant at her performance. In fact, it was getting a little bit under Daniella's skin. [color=f49ac2]~"You need to project more, my dear. Be boisterous, not timid. Your persona on stage must be larger than life! This, why, I feel as though I'm teaching a mouse to sing! Try it again."~[/color] [color=ed145b]~"Mother..."~[/color] Daniella muttered under her breath, crossing her arms. [color=ed145b]~"If we keep this up, I'm going to be late. The graduation ceremony is today."~[/color] [color=f49ac2]~"Which is why we must practice harder, Daniella."~[/color] Sharply her mother quipped. [color=f49ac2]~"You're going to be a singer, not a metalheart. Gods only know what your father would say if that happened."~[/color] As if she needed to be reminded of her father's bigotry. Such a single minded fool he was, but nevertheless when he went on his rantings about the metalhearts, how they were the bottom sludge of the barrel and whatnot, Daniella could only gnaw at her lip and quell her fiery tongue, seething in silence. [color=f49ac2]~"Now come on, from the top."~[/color] [color=ed145b]~"Fine..."~[/color] Rolling her eyes, Daniella huffed. This was getting to be annoying for her. Once more, her mother's frail, dainty fingers graced the ivory keys of the grand piano, the melody encompassing the room in such a serene and demure atmosphere. Daniella, she waited for her cue, taking a deep breath inwards, and then.... [color=ed145b]~"Ave Maria, gratia plena. Maria, gratia plena Maria, gratia plena Ave, ave dominus, Tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, Et benedictus Benedictus fructus ventris tui Ventris tui, Jesus. Ave Maria."~[/color] Soft was her voice, but now, just as instructed, her entire heart she put behind it, every lyric sung with such passion, such fervor she could muster despite her fatigue towards these menial lessons. However, even if her mother pushed her to the brink of her own sanity, music was one of her many joys in life. The second verse she was about to sing, but of course, another distraction. This time, not of her mother. [i]"Miss, I'm sorry to interrupt, but your daughter's carriage is waiting to ferry her to the academy."[/i] [color=f49ac2]~"Ah, very well sir Winston. I must prepare for the ceremony anyways. Besides, I can tell Daniella is growing bored of these lessons, but soon...oh so very soon shall they pay off."~[/color] And to Daniella, a soft smile she gave, though Daniella could sense a different meaning behind it. [color=f49ac2]~"For the both of us. Your father and I shall see you at the ceremony then my daughter. Good luck, and may the favor of the gods be with you."~[/color] [color=ed145b]~"Of course mother. See you then."~[/color] A short hug she gave her mother and out the door she was, boarding her carriage and soon arriving upon the gates of the school.