[@Lmpkio][@Xiphonic] Radical X is about to lunge towards the crocodile man when he hears some one calling out to him but, but in his head?! He quickly looked around to see a women talking to a child and then she looks towards him and shouts "[color=a0410d][color=a0410d][color=f26522]Hey you! Fight me and prove your hero status![/color][/color][/color]" he looks at her bewildered and the realizes she is probably some one with SUPER he replies to her "No thank you I'm fine, I have not registered yet. I promise I'll try for the registration test later." He turns his attention towards the crocodile man and yells to the other hero "Oi! Hero man! Don't take all of the fun!" He lunges towards the crocodile man shifting the weight of his fist to his maximum and he punches the enemy in the back.