[i]"My apologies, Madame, but it seems we will be arriving a tad late."[/i] The pearlescent sheen of the elegant carriage shined amidst the light of the early morning sun cresting over the hills with a gilded shimmer and bathing any and all in its soothing warmth as it rose to signal the beginning of yet another day. Daniella, who sat quietly and entranced in thought, her soft, pale cheek resting upon her hand, a few dainty fingers drumming against her skin, she sighed a tad bothersome and batted her eyelashes a few times as the city scenery passed her by and the prestigious school came into view of her languishing emerald eyes. [i]"Madame?"[/i] The chauffeur Winston, a man in his mid thirties, wearing the proper attire of a personal driver and escort, glanced back at her, whispering smoothly yet courteously to gain her attention. "[i]Madame, I said we shall be arriving late. My sincerest apologies for being the cause of your tardiness, my lady. Surely your parents will not appreciate this either."[/i] To this a soft smile crept across Daniella's lips, parting to answer softly with quite the refined giggle, [color=ed145b]~"Oh please, Sir Winston, there is no need to punish yourself for a mere fraction of time. After all...there is such a thing as arriving...fashionably late, is there not?"~[/color] The driver's cheeks reddened a little, precocious as always Daniella was. The carriage came to a halt, out first stepping Winston to open the door for his lady....and then....into the beaming light of the sun she emerged, robed in such [url=http://www.dhresource.com/albu_404322680_00-1.0x0/custom-made-dress-black-and-red-wedding-gown.jpg]lovely and elegant attire[/url], again fitting more of a princess or a refined, sophisticated young woman, rather than a student of the school. [i]"It is rather bright today, Miss. Would you care for your parasol?"[/i] Winston asked as Daniella stepped down from the carriage. Yet with a sincere gesture of her hand she replied, [color=ed145b]~"No need for that."~[/color] Winston nodded and soon departed from her, leaving her at the entrance. She glanced around at all the students, some immediately she could tell were metalhearts, and others...well not. Twas their last day, the very day that would carve the divine path towards destiny. But it was odd to wonder to the girl, was destiny shaped by the hand of man...or god? Twas a question many had posed, even before her, and yet vague were always the answers. [color=ed145b]~"I suppose one day the truth will come to fruition, but for now..."~[/color] She was looking for one student in particular, a boy, and sure enough...she found him, her heart swelling with such a tender warmth. [i][color=ed145b]~Ahh....hello Maxwell. May this day perhaps our destinies be intertwined my sweet.~[/color][/i] How she couldn't help but swoon upon sight of him, her eyes sparkling, the beat of her heart a gentle rhythm she could but serenade to of her affections for the bright and charming young man, but alas, such feelings she kept obscured beneath her visage. ....perhaps today, however, she wouldn't keep them hidden any longer.